美国语文第五册 第271期:英吉利海峡追逐战(1)
时间:2018-05-11 06:09:50
The ship which the American frigate1 had now to oppose, was a vessel2 of near her own size and equipage; 这艘美国防卫舰此刻的对手,为一艘与其体积配置所差无几的英国战舰,
and when Griffith looked at her again, he perceived that she had made her preparations to assert her equality in manful fight. 格里菲斯船长再度打量了自己舰艇,意识到准备工作已经就绪,完全可以投入即将到来的激烈战斗。
Her sails had been gradually reduced to the usual quantity, 护卫舰航行速度缓慢地减到正常时速后,
and, by certain movements on her decks, the
lieutenant3 and his constant attendant, the Pilot, 随同一直左右的领航员,上尉船长登上甲板观察后发现,
well understood that she only wanted to
lessen4 the distance a few hundred yards to begin the action. 只要将两舰距离减少数百码,便可即刻发动攻击。
“Now spread everything,” whispered the stranger. “进入战斗状态,”那位新来的领航员低声说道。
applied5 the
trumpet6 to his mouth, and shouted, in a voice that was carried even to his enemy, 格里菲斯船长扬起喇叭,他的声音洪亮,在空中炸响,甚至敌舰亦能听见,
Let fall—out with your booms—sheet home—hoist away of everything! 士兵们,各就各位投入战斗,做好炮击准备,立即升起风帆!
The inspiring cry was answered by a universal
bustle7. 船舰上顿时一团喧嚣忙乱。
Fifty men flew out on the dizzy heights of the different spars, while broad sheets of canvas rose as suddenly along the masts, 五十位军人如离弦的箭般飞奔爬向高低不同的大小桅杆,数张宽阔的船帆顷刻间沿着桅杆嗖嗖地升起展开,
as if some
mighty8 bird were spreading its wings. 宛如巨鸟霎时打开宽阔双翼。
The Englishman instantly perceived his mistake, and he answered the
artifice9 by a roar of
artillery10. 英国人旋即意识到自己的失策,很快用一通轰鸣火炮回应美舰的袭击。
Griffith watched the effects of the broadside with an absorbing interest as the shot whistled above his head; 当炮弹呼啸着从格里菲斯头顶掠过,
but when he perceived his masts untouched, and the few unimportant ropes, only, that were cut, 船长急切地察看隆隆炮声后的船舷,防卫舰上所有桅杆毫发无伤,不过只是炸断几根不甚紧要的绳索,
he replied to the
uproar11 with a burst of pleasure. 他的心头不禁泛起一阵狂喜。