美国语文第五册 第284期:幸福生活的特点
时间:2018-05-11 06:22:29
How happy is he born and taught, 幸福,后天的良好教育,
That serveth not another’s will; 侍从,原非他人本意,
Whose armor is his honest thought, 坦诚真挚,方坚韧强势,
And simple truth his utmost skill! 常人难及,行知合一的技能!
Whose passions not his masters are, 冷静睿智,并非凭借激情,
Whose soul is still prepared for death, 义无反顾,为死亡做好准备,
Untied1 unto the worldly care of public fame, or private breath; 远离世俗,蝇营狗苟之利,声名地位,一笑过眼烟云。
Who envies none that chance doth raise, 无需嫉妒,那些人脱颖而出,
vice2; who never understood 抑或指责,无法洞悉的堕落,
How deepest wounds are given by praise; 盛誉,使他深受伤害,以及
Nor rules of state, but rules of good: 社会秩序,与良知背驰而行。
Who hath his life from
rumors3 freed, 生活当中,远离诋毁小人,
Whose conscience is his strong retreat; 道德良知,首推要则公义,
Whose state can neither flatterers feed, 对阿谀谄媚者,惯以冷眼应对,
Nor ruin make oppressors great; 没有任何毁灭,能让强权矗立。
Who God doth late and early pray, 无论何时, 上帝为其祝福,
More of his grace than gifts to lend; 恩泽无边, 超越世俗范畴,
And entertains the harmless day with a religious book or friend. 翻读圣经, 与友倾心交谈,从容享受,岁月姝好安宁。
This man is freed from servile bands, 傲世独立,远离乌合之众,
Of hope to rise, or fear to fall; 不求发迹,亦不恐惧坠落,
Lord of himself, though not of lands; 精神丰盈,尽管鲜有财产,
And having nothing, yet hath all. 月白风清,内心富足一生。