美国语文第五册 第286期:泼冷水的艺术(2)
时间:2018-05-11 06:26:42
He invented imaginary dialogues between the unfortunate inventor, say of the wheel, and his particular friend, some eminent1 cold-water pourer. 他还撰写与那位背运的轮船设计师之间虚拟对话。他谈到车轮,谈到他那位超凡脱俗的设计师朋友,谈到某位著名的泼冷水者。
For, as he said, every man has some such friend, who fascinates him by fear, 诚如斯言,确实,我们每人周围都有类似朋友,他们因恐惧而对这些发明达人萌生迷恋,
and to whom he
confides2 his enterprises in order to hear the worst that can be said of them. 而这些达人之所以乐意倾露心事,叙说自己花样翻新的冒险,不过只是关注可能反馈回来的批评或指责。
The sayings of the chilling friend, probably, as he observed, ran thus: 如他的观察所见,朋友间心寒齿冷的话语或许如此,没有那个滚动的家伙,
We seem to have gone on very well for thousands of years without this rolling thing. 几千年呼啦啦过去了,我们不也过得很好嘛!一路神气十足地走来?
Your father carried burdens on his back. The king is content to be borne on men’s shoulders. 你老爸肩驮背扛,国王坐在轿夫肩膀上自得其乐,
The high priest is not too proud to do the same. 那些大神甫祭司们也并非过于自傲,不能手提肩扛。
Indeed, I question whether it is not irreligious to attempt to shift from men’s shoulders their natural burdens. 确实如此,而我想质疑的是,从人类肩膀上试图移走他们的物质重负,唯道居然违反宗教教义不成?
Then, as to its succeeding,—for my part, I see no chance of that. 那么,对于这种承继,就我来说,我看不到任何改变机会。
How can it go up hill? How often you have failed before in other fanciful things of the same nature! 那车轮莫非能爬山?面对类似稀奇古怪想法,你屡屡受挫究竟多少回!
Besides, you are losing your time; and the yams about your hut are only half planted. 况且,还要浪费大量时间,茅屋边番薯地还有很多农活没做,没准厮混下去,
You will be a beggar; and it is my duty, as a friend, to tell you so plainly. 你或许还会沦为乞丐。作为朋友,我当然有责任直截了当地提醒你。
There was Nang-chung: what became of him? 历史上有过纳春野人,他们的后裔进化如何?