美国语文第五册 第287期:泼冷水的艺术(3)
时间:2018-05-11 06:27:18
We had found fire for ages, in a proper way, taking a proper time about it, by rubbing two sticks together. 很久以前,人类以某种合适方式、在某种特定场合下发现了火。那时,野人迫切需要生火,他们将两根枝干相互摩挲,
He must needs strike out fire at once, with iron and flint; and did he die in his bed? 倘若机缘巧合,仓促中用铁与燧石试着摩擦,火,就这样被发现了,有野人因失火死在自己床上吗?
Our sacred lords saw the
impiety1 of that
proceeding2, and very justly
impaled3 the man who imitated heavenly powers. 相反,那些原始部落领主们看到那些不虔诚行为,干脆将那位试图模仿圣父魔力的人处以钉刑,这事看起来还挺正义。
And, even if you could succeed with this new and absurd rolling thing, the state would be ruined. 这样说来,是否你仍然琢磨那个新奇荒谬的滚动东西,你的族群甚至亦会面临灭顶之灾。
What would become of those who carry burdens on their backs? 至于那些辛苦重负的人还能怎样?
Put aside the vain fancies of a childish mind, and finish the planting of your yams. 不妨将那些幼稚虚妄抛到一边,回家接着种完你的番薯罢。
It is really very curious to observe how, even in modern times, the arts of discouragement prevail. 即便现在,关注这门泼冷水艺术到处狼奔豸突,也不能不令人啧啧称奇。
There are men whose sole
pretense4 to wisdom consists in administering discouragement. 有这样一种人,其唯一睿智夸口在于如何实施泼凉水,
They are never at a loss. 他们不曾手足无措。
They are equally ready to
prophesy5, with wonderful
ingenuity6, all possible varieties of misfortune to any enterprise that may be proposed; 一方面,针对可能提出的冒险创意,他们从惊天骇俗的独创适时预言,任何冒险可能导致不幸结局的种种可能;
and when the thing is produced, and has met with some success, to find a flaw in it. 另一方面,一旦冒险创意进入实际运作,并取得一定成功,他们不会错失良机,开始百般挑剔。
I once saw a work of art produced in the presence of an
eminent7 cold-water pourer. 类似的事我曾经历过,有一回,某位名声显赫的泼冷水者观看创意冒险的实际操作。