美国语文第五册 第293期:野鸽过客(2)
时间:2018-05-11 06:39:29
Whilst waiting for dinner at Young’s inn, at the confluence1 of Salt River with the Ohio, 在当地青年旅馆就餐前的闲暇期间,在盐湖与俄亥俄州一处接壤地带,
I saw, at my leisure, immense legions still going by, with a front reaching far beyond the Ohio on the west, 我看到黑云压顶的庞大鸽群军团大军压境般飞扑涌来。野鸽队伍前列早已长驱直入俄亥俄州西部,
and the
beech2 wood forests directly on the east of me. 恰好抵达我所在位置东面的榉木森林。
Not a single bird alighted, for not a nut or
acorn3 was that year to be seen in the neighborhood. 今年,就在周边地区,我观察到没有一只鸟儿落地不是为了觅食坚果或是橡果,
They consequently flew so high that different trials to reach them with a capital rifle proved ineffectual; 但这些野鸽通常飞得很高,哪怕想方设法,甚至用最好的步枪猎杀也是徒劳无益,
nor did the reports disturb them in the least. 至于枪声干扰更是毫不奏效。
I can not describe to you the extreme beauty of their aerial evolutions when a
hawk4 chanced to press upon the rear of a flock. 实在无法描述野鸽群空中队列变化的奇异壮观。我碰巧看见一只老鹰逼近鸽群尾部,
At once, like a
torrent5, and with a noise like thunder, they rushed into a compact mass, pressing upon each other towards the center. 旋即,鸽群翻卷起一道狂涌气流,嘶鸣如雷,巨型队列迅速麇集成团,一只只叠起翅翼向中心靠拢,整个鸽群急遽地掠过空中;
In these almost solid masses, they
darted6 forward in undulating and angular lines, 那排列齐整、棱角分明的队形波浪起伏,
and, when high, were seen wheeling and twisting within their continued lines, which then resembled the coils of a gigantic serpent. 它们不停地翻扭旋转,连绵不断地幻变组合队形,偌大天空中整齐划一的凌空翱翔,犹如一条巨龙倒海翻江。
As soon as the pigeons discover a sufficiency of food to
entice10 them to alight, they fly round in circles, reviewing the country below. 每当鸽群发现可引诱其降落的充足食物,它们便在天空盘旋不停,观察地面动静。