旅游口语情景对话 第309天:如何描述游日月潭
时间:2018-06-12 02:25:12
What’s there to do in the central part of Taiwan? 台湾中部有什么好玩的地方?
What’s there to do in the central part of Taiwan? 台湾中部有什么好玩的地方?
You can
embark1 on many of the hiking trips while you are at the Sun Moon Lake. 在日月潭可以参加远足活动。
What other activities are available on the Lake? 日月潭还有什么其他的水上活动?
What other activities are available on the Lake? 曰月潭还有什么其他的水上活动?
You can go fishing there and enjoy a more personalized fishing experience. 你可以在那儿垂钓,享受更加个性化的垂钓之乐。