绿野仙踪 第14期:救出稻草人(2)
时间:2018-06-14 06:47:19
She took off her old leather shoes and tried on the silver ones, which fitted her as well as if they had been made for her. 于是她扔掉旧皮鞋,穿上那双银的,很适合,就像为她量身定做的一样。
Finally she picked up her basket. "Come alone, Toto." she said. 最后她拿起篮子。她说:“托托,我们走吧。
"We will go to the Emeralds City and asked the Great Oz how to get back to Kansas again." 我们到翡翠城去,请求伟大的奥芝,指点我们回到堪萨斯州去。”
She closed the door, locked it, and put the key carefully in the pocket of her dress. 她锁上了门,很小心地把钥匙放进衣袋里。
And so, with Toto
trotting1 along soberly behind her, she started on her journey. 一切准备就绪,他们就出发了,托托安静地跟在她的背后跑着。
There were several roads near by, but it did not take her long to find the one paved with yellow bricks. 在附近有好几条路,但是她很快就找到那条黄砖铺成的路。
Within a short time she was walking briskly toward the Emeralds City, her silver shoes
tinkling2 merrily on the hard, yellow road-bed. 很快,他们就快乐地向翡翠城走去,她的银鞋在黄色的坚硬路基上发出悦耳的叮当声。
The sun shone bright and the birds sang sweetly, and Dorothy did not feel nearly so bad as you might think a little girl would 阳光明媚,鸟儿在枝头鸣叫。
who had been suddenly whisked away from her own country and set down in the midst of a strange land. 多萝西好象忘却了被吹落异乡的不幸。
She was surprised, as she walked alone, to see how pretty the country was about her. 他们继续往前走,她很惊奇地发现到处都是美丽的地方。
There were neat fences at sides of road, painted a dainty blue color, and beyond them were fields of grain and vegetables in abundance. 路旁边有整齐的短墙,漆着文雅的蓝色,墙里满是稻田和菜地,
Evidently the Munchkins were good farmers and able to raise large crops. 显然,芒奇金人都是勤劳的农民,一定会有好收成。
Once in a while, she would pass a house and the people came out to look at her and bow low as she went by; 有时候,她走过芒奇金人的屋子,大家跑出来看她,并向她低低地鞠着躬,
for everyone knew she had been the means of destroying the Wicked Witch and setting them free from
bondage3. 因为每一个人都知道就是她杀死了坏女巫,把他们从奴役中解救出来。
The houses of the Munchkins were odd-looking
dwellings4, for each was round, with a big
dome5 for a roof. 芒奇金人的屋子样式奇特,每一幢是圆形的,盖着一个大的圆屋顶,
All were painted blue, for in this country of East blue was the favorite color. 全都漆着蓝色,因为在这个东方的国度里,大家都喜爱蓝色。
Toward evening, when Dorothy was tired with her long walk and began to wonder where she should pass the night, she came to a house rather larger than the rest. 天快黑了,多萝茜走了很长的路已经很累了,她开始担心哪里可以过夜的。她跑到一所大一点儿的屋子前面。