绿野仙踪 第22期:穿过森林(3)
时间:2018-06-14 06:58:26
And when the second eye was done I could see much better than before. 在第二只眼睛画成后,我就能看得更加清楚了。
Then he made my nose and my mouth. 他又画出我的鼻子和嘴巴。
But I did not speak, because at that time I didn't know what a mouth was for. 然而我没有说话,因为在那时候我还不知道嘴能说话。
I had the fun of watching them make my body and my arms and legs; 我好奇地看着他做我的身体,做我的手和脚;
and when they fastened on my head, at last, I felt very proud, for I thought I was just as good a man as anyone. 当他们最后装上我的头时,我感到很自豪,因为我想我简直就是一个人了。
"This fellow will
scare1 the crows fast enough." said the farmer. "He looks just like a man." ‘他肯定能够吓退乌鸦了,’农夫说,‘的确很像一个人。’
"Why he is a man." said the other, and I quite agreed with him. ‘他就是一个人’另一个农夫说,我非常赞同他。
The farmer carried me under his arm to the cornfield and set me up on a tall stick, where you found me. 农民把我提起来,走到稻田里,把我撑在一根竹竿上,就像你看到的那个样子。
He and his friend soon after walked away and left me alone. 后来,那两个芝奇金农夫就走掉了。把我单独留在那里。”
I did not like to be
deserted2 this way. So I tried to walk after them. “我不想就这样被遗弃;于是我想跟在他们后面走。
But my feet would not touch the ground, and I was forced to stay on that pole. 但是被强迫吊在竹竿上,我的脚不能着地。
It was a lonely life to lead, for I had nothing to think of, having been made such a little while before. 因为我还是在一刻钟之前做好的,没有什么事情可想,过着寂寞无聊的生活。
Many crows and other birds flew into the cornfield, but as soon as they saw me they flew away again, thinking I was a Munchkin; 许多乌鸦和别的鸟儿们飞到稻田里来,当它们看见我以后,以为我是一个芒奇金人,立刻飞走了。
and this pleased me and made me feel that I was quite an important person. 这倒使我高兴,我感到自己是一个重要的人物了。
By and by an old crow flew near me, and after looking at me carefully he perched upon my shoulder and said: 没过多久,一只老乌鸦飞近我,它在仔细地注视着我以后,站在我的肩头说道:
"I wonder if that farmer thought to fool me in this
clumsy3 manner. 真是好笑,那个农民还想用这个蠢笨的家伙来愚弄我。
Any crows of sense could see that you are only
stuffed4 with
straw5." 只要是有见识的乌鸦,都能够看出你不过是个塞满了稻草的稻草人罢了。’
Then he
hopped6 down at my feet and ate all the corn he wanted. 于是它飞到稻田里,吃着它所想吃的谷粒。
The other birds, seeing he was not harmed by me, came to ate the corn too, so in a short time there was a great
flock7 of them about me. 别的鸟儿们看见它并没有受到伤害,也飞下来啄包谷粒,所以没多久就有一大群乌鸦在我的周围。