绿野仙踪 第40期:惊险的旅程(1)
时间:2018-06-14 07:38:22
They were obliged to camp out that night under a large tree in the forest, for there were no houses near. 那天夜里,因为附近没有一间屋子,他们不得不在森林里的一株大树底下露宿。
The tree made a good, thick covering to protect them from the dew, 这株大树长得高大茂密,茂密的枝叶为他们遮挡露水。
and the Tin Woodman chopped a great pile of wood with his
axe1 铁皮人用他的斧头,砍了一大堆木柴,
and Dorothy built a splendid fire that warmed her and made her feel less lonely. 多萝茜燃起一堆火来,这让她觉得不是那么寂寞。
She and Toto ate the last of their bread, and now she did not know what they would do for breakfast. 她和托托吃着仅剩的几片面包,她不知道明天拿什么东西来作早餐。
" If you wish," said the Lion, "I will go into the forest and kill a deer for you. 狮子说:“假如你愿意,我去森林中杀一只鹿给你,
You can roast it by the fire, since your tastes are so
peculiar2 that you prefer cooked food, and then you will have a very good breakfast." 你可以用火烤它。因为你们的饮食习惯这么奇怪,喜欢吃熟了的食物。这样的话你们就有一顿很精美的早餐了。”
" Don't! Please don't," begged the Tin Woodman. “天哪!请不要这样做!”铁皮人恳求着,
" I should certainly weep if you killed a poor deer, and then my
jaws3 would
rust4 again." “假如你要杀死了一只可怜的鹿,我肯定会很难过的,那样的话我的牙床又要被泪水锈住了。”
But the Lion went away into the forest and found his own supper, and no one ever knew what it was, for he didn't mention it. 但是狮子跑进森林中去,解决自己的晚餐,他们也不知道它吃了些什么,因为它也没有说。
And the Scarecrow found a tree full of nuts and filled Dorothy's basket with them, 稻草人发现了一棵长满了坚果的树。他就摘下许多坚果,放满了多萝茜的篮子,
so that she would not be hungry for a long time. 这样她在很长一段时间内都不会饿了。
She thought this was very kind and thoughtful of the Scarecrow, 多萝茜想稻草人是体贴好意。
but she laughed
heartily5 at the awkward way in which the poor creature picked up the nuts. 但是当她看到那可怜的家伙笨拙地摘取坚果时,忍不住大笑了起来。