绿野仙踪 第66期:神奇的翡翠城(1)
时间:2018-06-15 00:43:36
Chapter 11. The Wonderful City of Oz 第11章 神奇的翡翠城
Even with eyes protected by the green spectacles, Dorothy and her friends were at first dazzled by the brilliancy of the wonderful City. 多萝茜一行人虽带着绿墨镜,但当他们踏进这座神奇的城市时,就被它炫丽的光芒迷住了。
The streets were lined with beautiful houses all built of green marble and studded everywhere with sparkling emeralds. 街道上都是漂亮的翡翠房子,房子各处都镶嵌着闪闪发亮的翡翠。
They walked over a pavement of the same green marble, and where the blocks were joined together were rows of emeralds, set closely, and glittering in the brightness of the sun. 他们走在用同样绿大理石铺砌的人行道上,这是用一块一块的翡翠紧密地衔接起来造成的,一行一行的,被明亮的太阳照得灿烂闪烁。
The window
panes1 were of green glass; even the sky above the City had a green
tint2, and the rays of the sun were green. 一块块的窗子都镶嵌着绿色的玻璃;即使城市上的天空也发出一种淡淡的绿色,太阳的光线给染成绿的了。
There were many people--men, women, and children--walking about, and these were all dressed in green clothes and had greenish skins. 在街道上,来来往往的人群,男人、女人和孩子们,都穿着绿色的衣服,连皮肤也是淡绿色。
They looked at Dorothy and her strangely
assorted3 company with wondering eyes, and the children all ran away and hid behind their mothers when they saw the Lion; but no one
spoke4 to them. 他们都用异样的目光注视着多萝茜和她的朋友们,当他们看见了狮子,吓得孩子们都逃走了,或者躲到他们母亲的身后,却没有一个人跟他们说话。
Many shops stood in the street, and Dorothy saw that everything in them was green. 街上店铺林立,多萝茜发现店里面的每一件东西都是绿色的。
Green candy and green pop corn were offered for sale, as well as green shoes, green hats, and green clothes of all sorts. 出售绿的糖果,绿的爆玉蜀黍,还有各种各样的绿鞋子、绿帽子和绿衣衫。
At one place a man was selling green lemonade, 'get your green lemonade here, get your green lemonade here,' and when the children bought it Dorothy could see that they paid for it with green pennies. 多萝茜转眼看到另一个地方,有一个人出售绿的柠檬水,“这里有柠檬水,这里有柠檬水,”孩子们去买它时,她看见他们拿出的钱也是绿的。
There seemed to be no horses nor animals of any kind; the men carried things around in little green carts, which they pushed before them. 街上好像没有马,也没有其他的兽类;绿色小小的两轮货车上运载着货物,他们在前面拉着。
Everyone seemed happy and
contented5 and prosperous. 看上去每一个人都很愉快、满足、安宁而且幸福。