英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第309期:第十八章 猎杀(8)
时间:2018-06-26 00:59:05
Dammit, Edward! Where are you taking me? “该死,爱德华!你要带我去哪里?”
We have to get you away from here — far away — now. He didn't look back, his eyes on the road. “我们得带你离开这里——越远越好——就是现在。”他没有回头,他的眼睛注视着路面。
The speedometer read a hundred and five miles an hour. 里程计显示着现在是一百零五英里的时速。
Turn around! You have to take me home! I shouted. I struggled with the stupid harness, tearing at the
straps1. “掉头!你得带我回家!”我喊道。我挣扎着想要从身上这套愚蠢的辔头里挣脱出来,用力撕扯着那些皮带。
Emmett, Edward said grimly. “艾美特。”爱德华厉声说道。
And Emmett secured my hands in his steely grasp. 艾美特用他钢铁般的手掌按住了我的手。
No! Edward! No, you can't do this. “不!爱德华!不,你不能这样做。”
I have to, Bella, now please be quiet. “我必须这样做,贝拉,现在,求你安静些。”
I won't! You have to take me back — Charlie will call the FBI! “我不!你得带我回去——查理会通知FBI的!
They'll be all over your family — Carlisle and Esme! They'll have to leave, to hide forever! 他们会把你的家族彻底终结——卡莱尔和艾美特!他们会被迫离开,永远地藏起来。”
Calm down, Bella. His voice was cold. We've been there before. “冷静下来,贝拉。”他的声音很冷。“我们从前就去过那里了。”
Not over me, you don't! You're not ruining everything over me! I struggled violently, with total
futility2. “别对我指手画脚,你不能这样!你不能因为我而毁掉一切!”
spoke3 for the first time. Edward, pull over. 爱丽丝第一次说话了。“爱德华,开回去。”
He flashed her a hard look, and then sped up. 他瞥了她一眼,然后加速。
Edward, let's just talk this through. “爱德华,我们得好好谈谈这件事。”
You don't understand, he roared in
frustration4. I'd never heard his voice so loud; “你不明白,”他挫败地吼道。我从没听过他用那么大的声音说话,
it was
deafening5 in the confines of the Jeep. The speedometer neared one hundred and fifteen. 他的声音在越野车狭小的空间里回荡着,振聋发聩。现在里程计上的示数几近一百五十英里。
He's a tracker, Alice, did you see that? He's a tracker! “他是个追猎者,爱丽丝,你看见了吗?他是个追猎者!”