英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第313期:第十八章 猎杀(12)
时间:2018-06-26 01:07:29
Emmett? I asked, looking pointedly1 at my hands. “艾美特?”我问道,用强调的目光看着自己的手。
Oh, sorry. He let me loose. “哦,对不起。”他放开了我。
A few minutes passed in silence, other than the roar of the engine. Then Edward
spoke2 again. 好几分钟在沉默中过去了,只有引擎的声音还在响着。然后,爱德华又开口了。
This is how it's going to happen. When we get to the house, if the tracker is not there, I will walk her to the door. “以下是将要发生的事。当我们开到那栋房子那里时,如果追猎者不在那里,我会陪她走到门口,
Then she has fifteen minutes. He glared at me in the rearview mirror. 然后她有十五分钟的时间。”他在后视镜中注视着我。
Emmett, you take the outside of the house. Alice, you get the truck. I'll be inside as long as she is. “艾美特,你守在屋子外面。爱丽丝,你守着卡车。我会一直陪她待在屋里。
After she's out, you two can take the Jeep home and tell Carlisle. 等她出来以后,你们两个就把越野车开回去,把一切告诉卡莱尔。”
No way, Emmett broke in. I'm with you. “没门,”艾美特打断道。“我跟你是一起的。”
Think it through, Emmett. I don't know how long I'll be gone. “想清楚了,艾美特。我不知道我要离开多长时间。”
Until we know how far this is going to go, I'm with you. “直到我们知道事态将发展到何种地步以前,我都会和你站在一起。”
Edward sighed. If the tracker is there, he continued grimly, we keep driving. 爱德华叹了口气。“如果追猎者在那里,”他严厉地继续说道。“我们就开过去。”
We're going to make it there before him, Alice said confidently. “我们会赶在他前头到达那里。”爱丽丝自信地说道。
Edward seemed to accept that. Whatever his problem with Alice was, he didn't doubt her now. 爱德华似乎接受了这个观点。不管他和爱丽丝之间有何龃龉,现在他对她都没有任何怀疑。
What are we going to do with the Jeep? she asked. “我们要怎么处理这辆越野车?”她问道。
His voice had a hard edge. You're driving it home. 他的声音带着生硬的味道。“你把它开回家。”
No, I'm not, she said calmly. “不,我不会这样做的。”她冷静地说道。
unintelligible3 stream of profanities started again. 那阵莫名其妙的滔滔不绝的低咒又开始了。
We can't all fit in my truck, I whispered. “我的卡车坐不下我们所有人。”我低声说道。
Edward didn't appear to hear me. 爱德华没有表现出任何听到我说话的样子。