英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第313期:第十八章 猎杀(13)
时间:2018-06-26 01:08:43
I think you should let me go alone, I said even more quietly. “我想你得让我一个人开车。”我更加平静地说道。
He heard that. 他听到了。
Bella, please just do this my way, just this once, he said between
clenched1 teeth. “贝拉,求你了,按我说的去做,就这一次。”他咬紧了牙关,挤出这句话。
Listen, Charlie's not an imbecile, I protested. If you're not in town tomorrow, he's going to get suspicious. “听着,查理不是白痴。”我竭力主张道。“如果明天你也不在镇上了,他会起疑心的。”
irrelevant2. We'll make sure he's safe, and that's all that matters. “这毫不相干。我们会确保他的安全,这就够了。”
Then what about this tracker? He saw the way you acted tonight. He's going to think you're with me, wherever you are. “那追猎者怎么办?他看见了你今晚的表现。他会认为不管你在那里,你都会和我在一起。”
Emmett looked at me, insultingly surprised again. Edward, listen to her, he urged. I think she's right. 艾美特看着我,再次露出几近侮辱的惊讶的神情。“爱德华,听她的。”他催促着。“我认为她是对的。”
Yes, she is, Alice agreed. “是的,她是对的。”爱丽丝赞同道
I can't do that. Edward's voice was icy. “我不能这样做。”爱德华的声音很冷淡。
Emmett should stay, too, I continued. He definitely got an eyeful of Emmett. “艾美特也得留下。”我继续说道。“他显然会好好看着艾美特。”
What? Emmett turned on me. “什么?”艾美特转头看着我。
You'll get a better crack at him if you stay, Alice agreed. “如果你留下来的话,你能更好地对他的行动做出反应。”爱丽丝赞同道。
Edward stared at her incredulously. You think I should let her go alone? 爱德华怀疑地盯着她。“你认为我应该让她一个人走?”
Of course not, Alice said. Jasper and I will take her. “当然不是,”爱丽丝说道。“贾斯帕和我会照看着她。”
I can't do that, Edward repeated, but this time there was a trace of defeat in his voice. The
logic3 was working on him. “我不能这样做。”爱德华重复道,但这一次他的话语里有着一丝败北的味道。理智在他身上起作用了。
I tried to be
persuasive4. Hang out here for a week — I saw his expression in the mirror and
amended5 — a few days. 我试图循循善诱。“你在这里闲逛个一周——”我从后视镜里看见他的表情,立刻更正道。“——几天。
Let Charlie see you haven't kidnapped me, and lead this James on a wild-goose chase. 让查理看到你没有绑架我,还有让那个詹姆斯徒劳地四处搜素。
Make sure he's completely off my trail. Then come and meet me. 确保他完全得不到我的踪迹。然后来见我。
Take a roundabout route, of course, and then Jasper and Alice can go home. 当然,路上得绕些道,然后贾斯帕和爱丽丝就可以回家了。”