英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第313期:第十八章 猎杀(14)
时间:2018-06-26 01:09:22
I could see him beginning to consider it. .我看得出,他开始思考这件事。
Meet you where? “在哪里见你?”
No. He'll hear that's where you're going, he said impatiently. “不行。他会听到你要去的地方。”他不耐烦地说道。
And you'll make it look like that's a
ruse2, obviously. He'll know that we'll know that he's listening. “很显然,你可以把这看成一种策略。他知道我们知道他在听。
He'll never believe I'm actually going where I say I am going. 他绝对不会相信我要去的确实就是我所说的地方。”
And if that doesn't work? “如果这不管用呢?”
There are several million people in Phoenix, I informed him. “凤凰城有几百万人口。”我告诉他。
It's not that hard to find a phone book. “找本电话簿不是什么难事。”
I won't go home. “我不会回家的。”
Oh? he inquired, a dangerous note in his voice. “哦?”他讯问道,语气里有着危险的意味。
I'm quite old enough to get my own place. “我的年纪足够大了,我能找到自己能待的地方。”
Edward, we'll be with her, Alice reminded him. “爱德华,我们会和她在一起。”爱丽丝提醒他。
What are you going to do in Phoenix? he asked her scathingly. “你在凤凰城要做什么?”他严厉地问她。
Stay indoors. “闭门不出。”
I kind of like it. Emmett was thinking about cornering James, no doubt. “我有点喜欢这件事。”毫无疑问,艾美特正在思索着怎样把詹姆斯逼进绝路。
Shut up, Emmett. “闭嘴,艾美特。”
Look, if we try to take him down while she's still around, there's a much better chance that someone will get hurt “看吧,如果我们试图在她仍在周围的时候就去阻拦他,有人受伤的可能性会更大
she'll get hurt, or you will, trying to protect her. Now, if we get him alone… He trailed off with a slow smile. I was right. 她会受伤,或者是你,在竭力保护她时挂彩。现在,如果我们让他独自一人……”他的话尾消失在一个慢慢绽开的笑容中。我是对的。
The Jeep was crawling slowly along now as we drove into town. 当我们开进镇里的时候,越野车在路上慢慢地行驶着。
Despite my brave talk, I could feel the hairs on my arms
standing5 up. 虽然方才我说出了那么勇敢的话,但我依然能感觉到自己胳膊上的毛发根根直立着。
I thought about Charlie, alone in the house, and tried to be
courageous6. 我在想着查理,他正独自一人待在家里。我试图让自己更勇敢些。
Bella. Edward's voice was very soft. Alice and Emmett looked out their windows. “贝拉。”爱德华的声音异常地温柔。爱丽丝和艾美特看着各自的窗外。
If you let anything happen to yourself anything at all I'm holding you personally responsible. Do you understand that? “如果你让自己发生任何意外——不管是什么样的意外——我都会唯你是问。你明白了吗?”
He turned to Alice. 他转头看着爱丽丝。
Can Jasper handle this? “贾斯帕能驾驭这样的状况吗?”
Give him some credit, Edward. He's been doing very, very well, all things considered. “给他点信任,爱德华。综合考虑各方面的因素,他已经做得非常,非常好了。”
Can you handle this? he asked. “你能驾驭这样的状况吗?”
graceful8 little Alice pulled back her lips in a horrific grimace 优雅的小巧的爱丽丝,蜷曲起她的嘴唇,作出一个狰狞的鬼脸,
and let loose with a guttural
snarl9 that had me
cowering10 against the seat in terror. 从喉咙里吼出一声咆哮。我吓得缩进了座位了。
Edward smiled at her. But keep your opinions to yourself, he muttered suddenly. 爱德华冲她一笑。“不过,你的意见只能你自己知道。”他忽然喃喃低语道。