英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第315期:第19章 再见(2)
时间:2018-06-26 01:11:01
"I can do this." I sniffled. My tears had given me an inspiration. “我能做到的。”我用鼻音答道。泪水启发了我的灵感。
I stopped on the porch and took hold of his face in my hands. I looked fiercely into his eyes. 我停在了门廊里,用双手捧起他的脸。我狠狠地看着他的眼睛。
"I love you," I said in a low, intense voice. "I will always love you, no matter what happens now." “我爱你。”我紧张地低声说道。“不管现在正发生着什么样的事,我都会一直爱着你。”
"Nothing is going to happen to you, Bella," he said just as fiercely. “你不会有事的,贝拉。”他说道,同样狠狠地看着我。
"Just follow the plan, okay? Keep Charlie safe for me. He's not going to like me very much after this, and I want to have the chance to apologize later." “一定要按计划行事,好吗?为了我,保护好查理。在这件事以后,他不会很喜欢我的,我希望稍后还有能有机会向他道歉。”
"Get inside, Bella. We have to hurry." His voice was urgent. “进去,贝拉,我们得赶时间。”他的声音很紧迫。
"One more thing," I whispered
passionately1. "Don't listen to another word I say tonight!" “还有一件事。”我激动地低声说道。“不管今晚我再说什么,不要听!”
He was leaning in, and so all I had to do was stretch up on my toes to kiss his surprised, frozen lips with as much force as I was capable of. 他侧下身来,所以我只需踮起脚尖,倾尽全力亲吻他吃惊得僵住了的唇。
Then I turned and kicked the door open. 然后我转过身去,踹开门。
"Go away, Edward!" I yelled at him, running inside and slamming the door shut in his still-shocked face. “走开,爱德华!”我冲他嚷嚷着,跑进屋里,用力砸上门,把他依然震惊的脸关在了门外。
"Bella?" Charlie had been
hovering2 in the living room, and he was already on his feet. “贝拉?”查理已在起居室里徘徊多时了,他立刻站起身来。
"Leave me alone!" I screamed at him through my tears, which were flowing
relentlessly3 now. “不要管我!”我泪流满面,冲他尖叫道。
I ran up the stairs to my room, throwing the door shut and locking it. 我的泪水不停地流淌着。我奔上楼梯冲回房里,重重撞上门,落上锁。
I ran to my bed, flinging myself on the floor to
retrieve4 my duffel bag. 我冲到床边,爬到地板上找到我的露营双肩包。
I reached swiftly between the
mattress5 and box spring to grab the knotted old sock that contained my secret cash
hoard6. 我飞快地伸出手,在床垫和盒子之间扒拉着,抓起了那只用来存放我的私房钱的打了结的旧袜子。
Charlie was pounding on my door. 查理用力地敲着我的门。
"Bella, are you okay? What's going on?" His voice was frightened. “贝拉,你没事吧?发生了什么事?”他的声音显然是吓坏了。
"I'm going borne," I shouted, my voice breaking in the perfect spot. “我能承受。”我大喊着,我的声音嘶哑得恰到好处。
"Did he hurt you?" His tone edged toward anger. “他欺负你了?”他的语气逐渐转为愤怒。