英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第322期:第二十章 急不可耐(4)
时间:2018-06-26 01:20:59
I was instantly more alert. He called? 我立刻警觉起来。“他打过电话来?”
No, she said, and watched as my face fell. It was before we left. “没有。”她说着,看着我耷拉下了脸。“他是在我们离开以前说的。”
She took my hand carefully and led me through the door into the living room of the hotel
suite1. I could hear a low buzz of voices coming from the TV. 她小心地牵起我的手,带着我走出房门,走到酒店套房的起居室里。我听到电视里传来的低低的嗡嗡说话声。
Jasper sat motionlessly at the desk in the corner, his eyes watching the news with no
glimmer2 of interest. 贾斯帕一动不动地坐在角落里的桌子旁,他正兴趣索然地看着新闻。
I sat on the floor next to the coffee table, where a tray of food waited, and began picking at it without noticing what I was eating. 我坐在靠近咖啡桌的地板上,桌上放着一大盘食物。我开动了,却完全没有注意到自己在吃什么。
Alice perched on the arm of the sofa and stared blankly at the TV like Jasper. 爱丽丝坐在沙发的扶手上,和贾斯帕一样目光涣散地看着电视。
I ate slowly, watching her, turning now and then to glance quickly at Jasper. It began to dawn on me that they were too still. 我一边慢腾腾地吃着,一边看着她,时不时飞快地瞥一眼贾斯帕。我渐渐明白过来,他们太僵硬了。
They never looked away from the screen, though commercials were playing now. I pushed the tray away, my stomach
abruptly3 uneasy. Alice looked down at me. 他们的目光始终没有离开屏幕,尽管现在正播放着广告。我推开盘子,我的胃骤然痉挛起来。爱丽丝低下头看着我。
What's wrong, Alice? I asked. “发生了什么事,爱丽丝?”我问道。
Nothing's wrong. Her eyes were wide, honest… and I didn't trust them. “什么事也没有。”她的眼睛睁得大大的,显得很诚恳……但我根本不相信。
What do we do now? “我们现在在做什么?”
We wait for Carlisle to call. “我们在等卡莱尔打过来。”
And should he have called by now? I could see that I was near the mark. “而他这会儿早该打过来了,对吗?”我看得出来,我已经很接近答案了。
Alice's eyes flitted from mine to the phone on top of her leather bag and back. 爱丽丝的眼睛掠过放在她的皮包顶上的手机,然后看回我的眼睛。
What does that mean? My voice quavered, and I fought to control it. That he hasn't called yet? “这意味着什么?”我的声音在颤抖,我竭力稳住它。“他到现在还没打过来?”
It just means that they don't have anything to tell us. “这仅仅意味着他们没有什么可告诉我们的。”
But her voice was too even, and the air was harder to breathe. 可她的声音太平坦了,我几乎透不过气来。
Jasper was suddenly beside Alice, closer to me than usual. 贾斯帕忽然站到了爱丽丝身后,离我比平常更近些。
Bella, he said in a suspiciously
soothing4 voice. You have nothing to worry about. You are completely safe here. “贝拉,”他用让人宽心得可疑的语气说道。“你什么也不用担心。你在这里很安全。”
I know that. “我知道。”
Then why are you frightened? he asked, confused. He might feel the
tenor5 of my emotions, but he couldn't read the reasons behind them. “那为什么你会这样害怕呢?”他困惑地问道。他大概是感觉到了我情绪的波动,但他没有读懂这背后的原因。