英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第324期:第二十一章 电话(1)
时间:2018-06-26 01:22:25
I could feel it was too early again when I woke, and I knew I was getting the schedule of my days and nights slowly reversed. 当我醒来的时候,我发觉时间还太早。我知道自己正在慢慢地颠倒着昼夜的作息时间。
I lay in my bed and listened to the quiet voices of Alice and Jasper in the other room. That they were loud enough for me to hear at all was strange. 我躺在床上,听着爱丽丝和贾斯帕在另一间屋子里安静的说话声。他们的说话声居然大到我能听见的程度,这点很奇怪。
I rolled till my feet touched the floor and then staggered to the living room. 我翻滚着身子,直到自己的脚落到地板上,然后步履蹒跚地走到起居室里。
The clock on the TV said it was just after two in the morning. Alice and Jasper were sitting together on the sofa, Alice
sketching1 again while Jasper looked over her shoulder. 电视机上的时钟显示着现在是凌晨两点。爱丽丝和贾斯帕一起坐在沙发上,爱丽丝又开始画速写了,而贾斯帕正越过她的肩膀看着。
They didn't look up when I entered, too
engrossed2 in Alice's work. 当我进屋的时候,他们没有抬头,只是全神贯注地看着爱丽丝的作品。
I crept to Jasper's side to
peek3. 我挪动步子,走到贾斯帕身旁窥视着。
Did she see something more? I asked him quietly. “她又看见了别的东西?”我安静地问他。
Yes. Something's brought him back to the room with the VCR, but it's light now. “是的。出于某种原因,他带着那盘录像带回到了那个房间,但那个房间现在亮起来了。”
I watched as Alice drew a square room with dark beams across its low ceiling. The walls were paneled in wood, a little too dark, out of date. 我看着爱丽丝画出一个方形的房间,暗色的横梁在低矮的天花板上交错着。墙上嵌着木板,嵌板的颜色有点发黑,样式很过时了。
The floor had a dark carpet with a pattern in it. There was a large window against the south wall, and an opening through the west wall led to the living room. 地板上铺着一块暗色调的地毯,上面只有一个图案。南面的墙上有一扇大大的窗,西面的墙被打通了,一直通向起居室。
One side of that entrance was stone a large tan stone fireplace that was open to both rooms. The focus of the room from this perspective, the TV and VCR, 那个入口的一侧是石砌的那是一个巨大的棕褐色的壁炉,同时通向两个房间。就这个视角而言,
balanced on a too-small wooden stand, were in the southwest corner of the room. An
aged4 sectional sofa curved around in front of the TV, a round coffee table in front of it. 这个房间的焦点是摆在屋子西南角那张太小的木架子上的,那台电视和录像机。一套有些年头的组合沙发环绕在电视机前,一张圆咖啡桌摆在沙发组前。
The phone goes there, I whispered, pointing. “电话在这里。”我用指尖点着,低声说道。
Two pairs of eternal eyes stared at me. 两双永恒的眼睛盯着我。
That's my mother's house. “这是我妈妈的房子。”