英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第325期:第二十一章 电话(2)
时间:2018-06-26 01:23:07
Alice was already off the couch, phone in hand, dialing. I stared at the precise rendering1 of my mother's family room. Uncharacteristically, Jasper slid closer to me. 爱丽丝早已从沙发上跳起来,手里抓着手机,开始拨号。我盯着对我妈妈家的房间的精准无比的素描。贾斯帕一反常态地滑到我身旁更近的地方。
He lightly touched his hand to my shoulder, and the physical contact seemed to make his calming influence stronger. The panic stayed dull, unfocused. 他轻轻地把手放到我鉴赏,而这实际上的接触似乎把他的冷静更加强烈地输送到我身上。恐惧漫无目的地凝聚在原处。
Alice's lips were trembling with the speed of her words, the low buzzing impossible to decipher. I couldn't concentrate. 爱丽丝的嘴唇颤抖着,飞快地说着话,我根本听不懂那低低的嗡嗡声。我没法集中注意力。
"Bella," Alice said. I looked at her
numbly2. “贝拉。”爱丽丝说道。我木然地看着她。
"Bella, Edward is coming to get you. He and Emmett and Carlisle are going to take you somewhere, to hide you for a while." “贝拉,爱德华会来接你。他和艾美特还有卡莱尔会来带你去某个地方,让你躲上一阵子。”
"Edward is coming?" The words were like a life vest, holding my head above the flood. “爱德华要来?”这句话像一件救生衣,把我的脑子从滚滚洪流里拉了出来。
"Yes, he's
catching3 the first flight out of Seattle. We'll meet him at the airport, and you'll leave with him." “是的,他将搭乘从西雅图起飞的第一班机。我们会在机场和他碰面,然后你跟他走。”
"But, my mother… he came here for my mother, Alice!" Despite Jasper, the hysteria bubbled up in my voice. “可是,我妈妈……他来这里找我妈妈,爱丽丝!”尽管有贾斯帕在,我的声音依然因为竭斯底里而崩溃着。
"Jasper and I will stay till she's safe." “贾斯帕和我会留在这里,直到她安全无虞为止。”
"I can't win, Alice. You can't guard everyone I know forever. Don't you see what he's doing? He's not tracking me at all. “我逃不掉的,爱丽丝。你们不可能一直守卫着我认识的每一个人。你看不出来他在做什么吗?他根本没在跟踪我。
He'll find someone, he'll hurt someone I love… Alice, I can't —" 他会找到某个人,他会伤害我爱着的某个人……爱丽丝,我不能——”
"We'll catch him, Bella," she assured me. “我们会看着他的,贝拉。”她向我保证道。
"And what if you get hurt, Alice? Do you think that's okay with me? Do you think it's only my human family he can hurt me with?" “万一你受伤了呢,爱丽丝?你以为这对我来说不痛不痒吗?你以为他只能通过伤害我的人类家庭来打击我吗?”
Alice looked meaningfully at Jasper. A deep, heavy fog of lethargy washed over me, and my eyes closed without my permission. 爱丽丝意味深长地看着贾斯帕。一阵强烈的,沉重的,令人昏昏欲睡的迷雾席卷了我,我的眼睛在未经我许可的情况下合上了。
My mind struggled against the fog, realizing what was happening. I forced my eyes open and stood up, stepping away from Jasper's hand. 我的意识竭力抵御着那阵迷雾,意识到发生了什么事。我强迫自己睁开眼睛,站起来,挣脱贾斯帕的手走到一旁。
"I don't want to go back to sleep," I snapped. “我不想继续睡。”我嚷嚷道。
I walked to my room and shut the door, slammed it really, so I could be free to go to pieces
privately4. This time Alice didn't follow me. 我走回房间,用力关上门。我是真的砰地一声把门撞上的,这样我就能随意行事,保留仅有的一点隐私。这次爱丽丝没有跟着我进来。