英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第327期:第二十一章 电话(4)
时间:2018-06-26 01:33:50
Everything is fine, okay? Just give me a minute and I'll explain everything, I promise. “一切都很好,不是吗?只要给我一分钟,我就能解释清楚所有的事情,我保证。”
I paused, surprised that she hadn't interrupted me yet. 我停顿了片刻,惊讶地发现她至今都没有打断我的话。
Mom? “妈妈?”
Be very careful not to say anything until I tell you to. The voice I heard now was as
unfamiliar1 as it was unexpected. “当心点,在我让你说话以前,别出声。”我听到了一个陌生的,出乎意料的声音。
It was a man's
tenor2 voice, a very pleasant,
generic3 voice the kind of voice that you heard in the background of luxury car commercials. He
spoke4 very quickly. 那是一个高亢的男声,一个非常亲切,毫无特色的声音——就是那种你会在豪华汽车广告里听到的声音。他说得非常快。
Now, I don't need to hurt your mother, so please do exactly as I say, and she'll be fine. He paused for a minute while I listened in mute horror. “现在,我不必伤害你妈妈了。我真高兴我能像自己所说的那样确实做到这一点,她没事。”他停顿了一分钟,而我惊骇地听着这一片沉寂。
That's very good, he congratulated. Now repeat after me, and do try to sound natural. Please say, 'No, Mom, stay where you are.' “非常好,”他祝贺道。“现在,重复我说电话,尽量让自己听起来正常些。请说,‘不,妈妈,待在那里。’”
No, Mom, stay where you are. My voice was barely more than a whisper. “不,妈妈,待在那里。”我的声音只比耳语大声一点。
I can see this is going to be difficult. The voice was amused, still light and friendly. Why don't you walk into another room now so your face doesn't ruin everything? “我看得出,这会很困难。”那声音充满了戏谑的意味,依然既轻柔又友好。“现在你为什么不走到另一间屋子里,好让自己的表情不泄露任何秘密呢?
There's no reason for your mother to suffer. As you're walking, please say, 'Mom, please listen to me.' Say it now. 没有理由让你妈妈承受这一切。你走动的时候,请说‘妈妈,请听我说。’现在就说。”
Mom, please listen to me, my voice pleaded. I walked very slowly to the bedroom, feeling Alice's worried stare on my back. “妈妈,请听我说。”我的声音恳求着。我很慢很慢地向卧室走去,我能感觉到爱丽丝正用忧虑的眼神注视着我的背。
I shut the door behind me, trying to think clearly through the terror that gripped my brain. 我关上身后的门,试图赶在恐惧控制我的头脑以前仔细地把事情考虑一遍。
There now, are you alone? Just answer yes or no. “现在,你是一个人了吗?请说是或者不是。”
Yes. “是的。”
But they can still hear you, I'm sure. “但他们还是能听见你说话,我敢肯定。”
Yes. “是的。”
All right, then, the agreeable voice continued, say, 'Mom, trust me.' “那么,好吧。”那个惬意的声音继续说道。“说,‘妈妈,相信我。’”
Mom, trust me. “妈妈,相信我。”
This worked out rather better than I expected. I was prepared to wait, but your mother arrived ahead of schedule. It's easier this way, isn't it? “这比我预料中的更管用。我正准备等着,你妈妈却提前回来了。这样就更容易了,不是吗?
suspense5, less anxiety for you. 对你来说,悬而未决的事情变少了,需要担心的事情也更少了。”
I waited. 我在等着。