英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第332期:第二十二章 捉迷藏(1)
时间:2018-06-26 01:43:40
It had taken much less time than I'd thought — all the terror, the despair, the shattering of my heart. The minutes were ticking by more slowly than usual. 做到这一点所花的时间比我认为的还要短——所有的恐惧和绝望,还有我破碎的心。时间一分一秒地过去,流淌得比平时还蛮。
Jasper still hadn't come back when I returned to Alice. I was afraid to be in the same room with her, afraid that she would guess 当我回到爱丽丝那里时,贾斯帕还没回来。我很怕和她待在同一个房间里,生怕她会猜到
and afraid to hide from her for the same reason. ……也害怕着,需要因为同样的理由而隐瞒她。
I would have thought I was far beyond the ability to be surprised, my thoughts tortured and
unstable1, but I was surprised when I saw Alice
bent2 over the desk, 我本以为自己已经没有余力去感到惊讶里,因为我的心一直忐忑不安,已经饱受折磨。但当我看到爱丽丝伏在桌子上,
gripping the edge with two hands. "Alice?" 两手紧紧地抓着桌子边缘时,我依然吃了一惊。“爱丽丝?”
She didn't react when I called her name, but her head was slowly rocking side to side, and I saw her face. Her eyes were blank, 我喊她的名字,她没有反应,但她的头慢慢地转了过来,我看见了她的脸。她的脸色很苍白,
dazed… My thoughts flew to my mother. Was I already too late? 脸上一片迷茫……我立刻想到了我母亲。已经太迟了吗?
I hurried to her side, reaching out automatically to touch her hand. 我飞快地冲到她身旁,本能地伸出手想拉着她的手。
"Alice!" Jasper's voice whipped, and then he was right behind her, his hands curling over hers, loosening them from their grip on the table. “爱丽丝!”贾斯帕的声音听起来像是被鞭子抽了一样。然后,他立刻出现在了她身后,他的手交缠在她的手上,把它们从桌子上掰开。
Across the room, the door swung shut with a low click. 房间的另一头,房门啪地一声轻轻关上了。
"What is it?" he demanded. “怎么回事?”他询问道。
She turned her face away from me, into his chest. "Bella," she said. 她把脸埋到他胸口,不再看我。“贝拉。”她说道。
"I'm right here," I replied. “我在这里。”我答道。
Her head twisted around, her eyes locking on mine, their expression still strangely blank. 她的头转了过来,她的目光锁住了我的眼睛,眼里依然是一副诡异的空白的神情。
I realized at once that she hadn't been speaking to me, she'd been answering Jasper's question. 我立刻意识到,她不是在叫我,她是在回答贾斯帕的问题。
"What did you see?" I said — and there was no question in my flat, uncaring voice. “你看见了什么?”我说道——但我波澜不兴,漠不关心的声音里没有半点疑问。
Jasper looked at me sharply. I kept my expression vacant and waited. His eyes were confused as they
flickered3 swiftly between Alice's face and mine, 贾斯帕狠狠地看着我。我让自己面无表情,等待着。他的目光轮流扫过在爱丽丝和我的脸,
feeling the chaos… for I could guess what Alice had seen now. 眼里写满了困惑……我猜到了爱丽丝看到的东西。