英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第337期:第二十二章 捉迷藏(6)
时间:2018-06-26 01:49:58
As soon as the door opened I was off again, to the sound of annoyed murmurs1 behind me. I slowed myself as I passed the security guards by the luggage carousels, 一等电梯门打开,我又挤了出去,身后传来一阵恼怒的喃喃低语声。当我从自动扶梯上穿过安保岗时,我放慢了速度。
only to break into a run again as the exit doors came into view. I had no way of knowing if Jasper was looking for me yet. 当出口出现在眼前时,我又狂奔起来。我已经来不及细想贾斯帕是否正在找我了。
I would have only seconds if he was following my
scent2. I jumped out the automatic doors, nearly
smacking3 into the glass when they opened too slowly. 如果他循着我的味道跟着我时,我就只剩下几秒钟的时间了。我冲向自动门,因为它们打开地太慢,我还差点撞到了玻璃上。
Along the crowded
curb4 there wasn't a cab in sight. 在拥挤的马路旁,我一辆的士都没看见。
I had no time. Alice and Jasper were either about to realize I was gone, or they already had. They would find me in a heartbeat. 我没时间了。爱丽丝和贾斯帕就要知道我的逃跑了,或者,他们已经知道了。只需一下心跳的时间他们就能找到我。
A shuttle to the Hyatt was just closing its doors a few feet behind me. 在离我几步远的地方,一辆去往机场宾馆的穿梭巴士刚刚关上门。
Wait! I called, running, waving at the driver. 等一下!我大喊着跑过去,一路冲着司机招手。
This is the shuttle to the Hyatt, the driver said in confusion as he opened the doors. 这是去往机场宾馆的穿梭巴士。司机用困惑的声音说着,打开了门。
Yes, I huffed, that's where I'm going. I hurried up the steps. 是的,我怒气冲冲地说道。这正是我要去的地方。我赶忙奔上那几级踏板。
He looked askance at my luggage-less state, but then
shrugged5, not caring enough to ask. 他斜着眼看着没带任何行李的我,却只是耸耸肩,懒得发问。
Most of the seats were empty. I sat as far from the other travelers as possible, and watched out the window as first the sidewalk, and then the airport, drifted away. 大多数的座位都空着,我尽可能地坐得离别的乘客更远些,然后看向窗外。第一眼先看人行道,再看机场,然后我的目光在这两者之间游离不定。
I couldn't help imagining Edward, where he would stand at the edge of the road when he found the end of my trail. 我情不自禁地想象着爱德华的样子,想象着他追随着我的踪迹,然后站在了马路边上的样子。
I couldn't cry yet, I told myself. I still had a long way to go. 我还不能哭,我告诉自己,我还有很长的路要走。
My luck held. In front of the Hyatt, a tired-looking couple was getting their last suitcase out of the trunk of a cab. 我的运气显灵了。机场宾馆的门口,一对看上去很疲惫的夫妇正在把他们的最后一件行李从一辆的士的后备箱里拿出来。
I jumped out of the shuttle and ran to the cab, sliding into the seat behind the driver. The tired couple and the shuttle driver stared at me. 我跳下穿梭巴士,奔向那辆的士,迅速坐进司机身后的那个作为上。那对疲倦的夫妇和那个穿梭巴士司机都盯着我看。