
英语听力 暮光之城·暮色 第338期:第二十二章 捉迷藏(7)

时间:2018-06-26 01:53:08



   I told the surprised cabbie my mother's address. I need to get there as soon as possible. 我把我妈妈的住址告诉了那个一脸惊讶的出租车司机。我要尽快赶到那里,越快越好。

  That's in Scottsdale, he complained. 那可是在菲尼克斯。他抱怨道。
  I threw four twenties over the seat. 我把四张二十美元的钞票扔到前排座位上。
  Will that be enough? “这些够了吗?”
  Sure, kid, no problem. “当然,孩子,没问题。”
  I sat back against the seat, folding my arms across my lap. The familiar city began to rush around me, but I didn't look out the windows.  我坐回座位上,双臂交叠着抱住膝盖。熟悉的城市开始包围着我,但我根本不想看出窗外去。
  I exerted1 myself to maintain control. I was determined2 not to lose myself at this point, now that my plan was successfully completed.  我努力让自己保持自制力。既然我的计划进行得如此顺利,我下定决心不让自己在这个时候崩溃。让自己沉浸在更多的恐惧和焦虑中是毫无意义的。
  There was no point in indulging3 in more terror, more anxiety. My path was set. I just had to follow it now. 我已经选择了这条路。现在我所能是继续走下去。
  So, instead of panicking, I closed my eyes and spent the twenty minutes' drive with Edward. 所以,我不再惶恐,而是闭上眼睛,用那二十分钟的车程尽情想着爱德华。
  I imagined that I had stayed at the airport to meet Edward. I visualized4 how I would stand on my toes, the sooner to see his face.  我想象着自己留在机场,与爱德华相见。我想象着,自己会怎样踮起脚尖,想要早些看见他的脸;
  How quickly, how gracefully5 he would move through the crowds of people separating us.  他会怎样迅速而又优雅地穿过分隔着我们的拥挤的人群。
  And then I would run to close those last few feet between us  reckless6 as always  and I would be in his marble arms, finally safe. 然后,我会像平常一样鲁莽地冲上前去,走完我们之间的最后几步,然后落入他大理石般的怀抱。最终,我会平安无恙。
  I wondered where we would have gone. North somewhere, so he could be outside in the day. Or maybe somewhere very remote, so we could lay in the sun together again.  我想知道我们将会去那里。也许是北方的某个地方,这样他就能在白天外出。又或许是某个非常偏远的地方,这样我们就能再次躺在阳光下。
  I imagined him by the shore, his skin sparkling7 like the sea. It wouldn't matter how long we had to hide. To be trapped in a hotel room with him would be a kind of heaven.  我想象着他在海滩上的样子,他的肌肤会像海水一样闪闪发光。我不在乎我们得躲藏多久。和他一起困住宾馆房间里的时光一定宛如天堂。
  So many questions I still had for him. I could talk to him forever, never sleeping, never leaving his side. 我还有那么多的问题想要问题。我可以一直和他谈话,永远也不睡觉,永远不离开他身边。



1 exerted a4aed30a5b3184ea79024ce2596705a6     
adj. 外露的,施加的 动词exert的过去式和过去分词
  • He exerted all his authority to make them accept the plan. 他利用他的所有权力让他们接受这个计划。
  • His father exerted a lot of pressure on him to succeed. 为了使他成功,他父亲给他施加了很大的压力。
2 determined duszmP     
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
3 indulging 5f3cc260b51b8d1ca707f249dc336f93     
放纵( indulge的现在分词 ); 容许; 使(自己)沉溺于; 参加
  • The speaker played to the gallery by indulging in vulgar jokes. 为了哗众取宠,那位演讲者大讲特讲粗俗的笑话。
  • He did not agree with indulging children. 他反对纵容娇惯孩子。
4 visualized 052bbebb5da308bd361d83e229771079     
  • I had visualized scientists as bearded old men. 我曾经把科学家想像成长满胡子的老人。
  • "I visualized mangled and inadequate branches for my fires. 我想像中出现了砍得乱七八糟的树枝子,供不上壁炉烧的。 来自名作英译部分
5 gracefully KfYxd     
  • She sank gracefully down onto a cushion at his feet. 她优雅地坐到他脚旁的垫子上。
  • The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line. 新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。
6 reckless biuyV     
  • The policeman chewed out the driver for reckless driving.那位司机因为开车莽撞,被警察狠狠批评了一顿。
  • He thought she was too reckless at it.他觉得她对它太粗心大意了。
7 sparkling xvYwy     
  • the calm and sparkling waters of the lake 平静的波光粼粼的湖水
  • Other sparkling wines are often considered the poor relations of champagne. 其他起泡的葡萄酒通常被认为较香槟酒为次。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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