英语听书《海底两万里》第290期 第21章 在陆地上的两天(21)
时间:2018-06-28 07:35:09
On this note I was about to withdraw; but Captain Nemo detained me and invited me to take a seat next to him. 他说完了这话,我要退出了,但尼摩船长把我留下,要我坐在他身边。
He questioned me with interest on our excursions
ashore1 and on our hunting, but seemed not to understand the Canadian's
passionate2 craving3 for red meat. 他很关心地问我们登陆游荡的经过,我们打猎的情形,他好像完全不了解加拿大人爱吃肉类的那种需要。
Then our conversation skimmed various subjects, and without being more forthcoming, Captain Nemo proved more affable. 然后谈话转到各种问题上,尼摩船长虽然并不比从前更容易流露内心情感,但却露出了比较和蔼可亲的样子。
Among other things, we came to talk of the Nautilus's circumstances, aground in the same strait where Captain Dumont d'Urville had nearly miscarried. 在许多他提到的问题中间,我们谈到诺第留斯号目前所处的地位,因为它正搁浅在杜蒙·居维尔几乎要丢了性命的这个海峡中。
He was one of your great
seamen5, the captain told me, one of your shrewdest navigators, that d'Urville! He was the Frenchman's Captain Cook. 他是你们的伟大海员之一,这位居维尔是你们富有智慧的航海家之一!他是你们法国人的库克船长。
A man wise but unlucky! Braving the ice banks of the South Pole, the coral of Oceania, the cannibals of the Pacific, 不幸的学者啊!不怕南极的冰层,不伯大洋洲的珊瑚礁,不怕太平洋的吃人肉的土人,经历了种种危险后,
only to perish wretchedly in a train
wreck6! If that energetic man was able to think about his life in its last seconds, imagine what his final thoughts must have been! 竟在火车失事中多么不值地丢了性命,多么可惜啊! 如果这个精干的人在他生存的最后一刻,可能做些思考的活,您想想他最后的智慧会是什么呢!
As he
spoke7, Captain Nemo seemed deeply moved, an emotion I felt was to his credit. 这样说着,尼摩船长好像情绪很激动的样子,我被他的这种情绪感染了。
Then, chart in hand, we returned to the deeds of the French navigator: his voyages to circumnavigate the globe, his double attempt at the South Pole, 然后,手拿着地图,我们再来看这位法国航海家所做的工作,他的环球航行,他到南极的两次探险,
which led to his discovery of the Adélie Coast and the Louis-Philippe Peninsula, finally his hydrographic surveys of the chief islands in Oceania. 使他发见阿米利和路易·非力两个地方,以及他对于大洋洲主要岛屿所做的水道学的记载资料。
What your d'Urville did on the surface of the sea, Captain Nemo told me, I've done in the ocean's interior, but more easily, more completely than he. 你们的居维尔在海面上所做的,尼摩船长对我说,我在海洋底下做了,做得比他更方便,更完全,
Constantly tossed about by hurricanes, the
Zealous8 and the new Astrolabe couldn't compare with the Nautilus, a quiet work room truly at rest in the midst of the waters! 浑天仪号和热心女号不断受大风暴所摆动,不能跟诺第留斯号相比,它是安静的工作室,在海水中间真正安然不动呢!