英语听书《海底两万里》第301期 第22章 强逼睡眠(6)
时间:2018-06-29 00:49:21
I had climbed onto the platform just as the chief officer was taking his readings of hour angles. 我在船副来测量角度的时候,走到平台上。
Out of habit I waited for him to pronounce his daily phrase. 我等待他照平常的习惯,说每日要说的那句话。
But that day it was replaced by a different phrase, just as incomprehensible. 可是,那天,这句话被另一句一样不可懂的话所替了。
Almost at once I saw Captain Nemo appear, lift his spyglass, and inspect the horizon. 我立即看见尼摩船长出来,眼睛对着望远镜,向天边隙望。
For some minutes the captain stood motionless, rooted to the spot contained within the field of his lens. 在几分钟内,船长站住不动,不离开他目标内的那个点。
Then he lowered his spyglass and exchanged about ten words with his chief officer. 一会儿,他把镜子放下,跟船副交换了十多句话。
The latter seemed to be in the grip of an excitement he tried in vain to control. 船副好像情绪很激动,没有法子抑制的样子。
More in command of himself, Captain Nemo remained cool. 尼摩船长比较有主意,神气很冷静。
Furthermore, he seemed to be raising certain objections that his chief officer kept answering with flat assurances. 他好像提出了些反对的意见,船副带着肯定明确的语气回答他。
At least that's what I gathered from their differences in tone and gesture. 至少,我是从他们的口气和他们的姿势作这样的了解。
As for me, I stared
industriously1 in the direction under observation but without spotting a thing. 至于我,也细心地注视他们所指的方向,什么也看不见。
Meanwhile Captain Nemo strolled from one end of the platform to the other, not glancing at me, perhaps not even seeing me. 但是,尼摩船长在平台的两极端间走来走去,没有留心我,可能没有看见我。
His step was firm but less regular than usual. 他的脚步很坚定,但没有平时一样的规律。
Sometimes he would stop, cross his arms over his chest, and observe the sea. 他有时停住,两手交叉在胸前,观察大海。
What could he be looking for over that immense expanse? 他要在这个浩瀚的空间中找些什么呢?
By then the Nautilus lay hundreds of miles from the nearest coast! 诺第留斯号这时距最近的边岸也已经有好几百海里了!
The chief officer kept lifting his spyglass and stubbornly examining the horizon, walking up and down, stamping his foot, 船副又拿过望远镜来,固执地搜索着天际,走来走去,不停地跺脚,
in his nervous
agitation4 a sharp contrast to his superior. 他神经质的激动跟船长的冷静正成一个对比。
But this mystery would
inevitably5 be cleared up, and soon, because Captain Nemo gave orders to increase speed; 此外,这个神秘必须弄清楚,并且要很快弄清楚,因为船上得到尼摩船长的命令,
at once the engine stepped up its drive power, setting the
propeller6 in swifter
rotation7. 机器增加推动力,机器转动更快了。