
英语听书《海底两万里》第335期 第23章 珊瑚王国(32)

时间:2018-06-29 01:56:44



   Meanwhile Ned Land pulled the captain clear. Uninjured, the latter stood up, went right to the Indian, quickly cut the rope binding1 the man to his stone,  可是,尼德·兰立即把尼摩船长拉起来。船长没有受伤,站起来,走到那个印度人身边,急急把他和石头绪起来的绳索割断,

  took the fellow in his arms, and with a vigorous kick of the heel, rose to the surface of the sea. 抱起他,两脚使劲一蹬,浮出海面来。
  The three of us followed him, and a few moments later, miraculously2 safe, we reached the fisherman's longboat. 我们三人跟他上来。意外得救的人,转瞬间,都到了采珠人的小艇上。
  Captain Nemo's first concern was to revive this unfortunate man. I wasn't sure he would succeed. I hoped so, since the poor devil hadn't been under very long.  尼摩船长首先关心的事是要救活这个不幸的采珠人。我不知道他是否可以成功。我希望他可以成功,因为这个可怜人浸在水中时间并不很久。
  But that stroke from the shark's tail could have been his deathblow. 但鲨鱼尾巴的打击可能是致命的重伤。
  Fortunately, after vigorous massaging3 by Conseil and the captain, I saw the nearly drowned man regain4 consciousness little by little. He opened his eyes.  很运气,由于康塞尔和船长的有力按摩,我看见那不幸的人渐渐恢复了知觉。他睁开眼睛,
  How startled he must have felt, how frightened even, at seeing four huge, copper5 craniums leaning over him! 看见四个大铜脑袋弯身向着他,他应该怎么惊奇,甚至于应该怎么骇怕呢!
  And above all, what must he have thought when Captain Nemo pulled a bag of pearls from a pocket in his diving suit and placed it in the fisherman's hands?  特别是,当尼摩船长从衣服口袋中取出一个珍珠囊,放在他手中时,他心中会怎样想呢。
  This magnificent benefaction from the Man of the Waters to the poor Indian from Ceylon was accepted by the latter with trembling hands.  这位水中人给锡兰岛的穷苦印度人的贵重施舍物,由一只发抖的手接过去了。
  His bewildered eyes indicated that he didn't know to what superhuman creatures he owed both his life and his fortune. 在他惊奇的眼睛里表示出了救他的性命和给他财产的,一定是不可思议的超人的神灵。
  At the captain's signal we returned to the bank of shellfish, and retracing6 our steps,  船长点一点头,我们又下到小纹贝的礁石岩脉间,沿着原来跑过的路走去,
  we walked for half an hour until we encountered the anchor connecting the seafloor with the Nautilus's skiff. 走了半个钟头后,我们就碰上了挽在水底地面的诺第留斯小艇的铁锚。
  Back on board, the sailors helped divest7 us of our heavy copper carapaces8. 一上了小艇,各人有艇上水手的帮助,解开了沉重的铜脑盖。
  Captain Nemo's first words were spoken to the Canadian. 尼摩船长的第一句话是对加拿大人说的,他说:
  Thank you, Mr. Land, he told him. 兰师傅,谢谢您。
  Tit for tat, captain, Ned Land replied. I owed it to you. 船长,那是我对您的报答,尼德:兰回答,我应该报答您。
  The ghost of a smile glided9 across the captain's lips, and that was all. 一个轻淡的微笑在船长的嘴唇间露出来,此外并没有—句别的话了。



1 binding 2yEzWb     
  • The contract was not signed and has no binding force. 合同没有签署因而没有约束力。
  • Both sides have agreed that the arbitration will be binding. 双方都赞同仲裁具有约束力。
2 miraculously unQzzE     
  • He had been miraculously saved from almost certain death. 他奇迹般地从死亡线上获救。
  • A schoolboy miraculously survived a 25 000-volt electric shock. 一名男学生在遭受2.5 万伏的电击后奇迹般地活了下来。
3 massaging 900a624ac429d397d32b1f3bb9f962f1     
按摩,推拿( massage的现在分词 )
  • He watched the prisoner massaging his freed wrists. 他看着那个犯人不断揉搓着刚松开的两只手腕。
  • Massaging your leg will ease the cramp. 推拿大腿可解除抽筋。
4 regain YkYzPd     
  • He is making a bid to regain his World No.1 ranking.他正为重登世界排名第一位而努力。
  • The government is desperate to regain credibility with the public.政府急于重新获取公众的信任。
5 copper HZXyU     
  • The students are asked to prove the purity of copper.要求学生们检验铜的纯度。
  • Copper is a good medium for the conduction of heat and electricity.铜是热和电的良导体。
6 retracing d36cf1bfa5c6c6e4898c78b1644e9ef3     
v.折回( retrace的现在分词 );回忆;回顾;追溯
  • We're retracing the route of a deep explorer mission. 我们将折回一个深入的探险路线中去。 来自电影对白
  • Retracing my steps was certainly not an option. 回顾我的脚步并不是个办法。 来自互联网
7 divest 9kKzx     
  • I cannot divest myself of the idea.我无法消除那个念头。
  • He attempted to divest himself of all responsibilities for the decision.他力图摆脱掉作出该项决定的一切责任。
8 carapaces a718c44cb0f319731e00cdda7c0da5de     
n.(龟、蟹等的)硬壳( carapace的名词复数 )
  • In an increasingly callous world, we all exist with our own carapaces of scabbed-over sensibilities. 在一个日益麻木不仁的世界上,我们的知觉都已生了硬痂,我们都生活在自己的茧壳之中。 来自英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦
  • They molt carapaces, I molt old body. 他们换壳,我换身体。 来自互联网
9 glided dc24e51e27cfc17f7f45752acf858ed1     
v.滑动( glide的过去式和过去分词 );掠过;(鸟或飞机 ) 滑翔
  • The President's motorcade glided by. 总统的车队一溜烟开了过去。
  • They glided along the wall until they were out of sight. 他们沿着墙壁溜得无影无踪。 来自《简明英汉词典》

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