英语听书《海底两万里》第388期 第25章 地中海四十八小时(14)
时间:2018-07-03 06:54:03
The silence was further disturbed only by the pounding of my heart. 这时的沉寂只有被我的心脏的跳动打断了。
Suddenly I felt a mild
jolt1. I realized the Nautilus had come to rest on the ocean floor. My alarm increased. 忽然,我感到一下轻微的冲撞。我明白,诺第留斯号是停在大洋底下的地上了。我心中更加不安起来。
The Canadian's signal hadn't reached me. I longed to rejoin Ned Land and urge him to
postpone2 his attempt. I sensed that we were no longer
navigating3 under normal conditions. 加拿大人的信号不给我发出来。我很想出去找他,要他改期执行他的计划。我感觉到,我们的航行不是在平常的情况中进行的…
Just then the door to the main lounge opened and Captain Nemo appeared. He saw me, and without further
preamble4: 这时候,客厅的门开了,尼摩船长进来。他看见了我,没有什么寒暄客套话,池用亲热的语气说:
Ah, professor, he said in an affable tone, I've been looking for you. Do you know your Spanish history? 啊!教授,我正找您哩。您知道西班牙的历史吗?
Even if he knew it by heart, a man in my disturbed,
befuddled5 condition couldn't have quoted a
syllable6 of his own country's history. 就算是一个很熟悉自己本国的历史的人,但在我所处的情况中,心中恍饱,头脑昏乱,他也不可能说出一句话来。
Well? Captain Nemo went on. Did you hear my question? Do you know the history of Spain? 那么,尼摩船长立即又说,您听到了我提出的问题吗?您知道西班牙的历史吗?
Very little of it, I replied. 知道得很少。我回答。
The most learned men, the captain said, still have much to learn. Have a seat, he added, and I'll tell you about an unusual episode in this body of history. 许多学者都是这样,他们不知道,船长说,那么,您请坐,他又说,我要告诉您这个国家历史的一段新奇事件。
The captain stretched out on a couch, and I mechanically took a seat near him, but half in the shadows. 船长躺在一张安乐椅上,我机械地坐在他近边淡淡的阴影中。
Professor, he said, listen carefully. This piece of history concerns you in one definite respect, because it will answer a question you've no doubt been unable to resolve. 教授,我说,请您听我说。这历史在某一方面可以使您很感兴趣,因为它回答了您不能解决的一个问题。
I'm listening, captain, I said, not knowing what my partner in this dialogue was driving at, and wondering if this incident related to our escape plans. 船长,我听您说。我说。我不知道我的对话人要说什么,我心中想,这件事是不是跟我们的逃走计划有关系。