
英语听书《海底两万里》第419期 第25章 地中海四十八小时(46)

时间:2018-07-04 06:14:40



 Before I had time to express the surprise this new proposition caused me, a camera was carried into the lounge at Captain Nemo's request.  我简直来不及向他表示这新提议使我发生的惊奇,由于尼摩船长的吩咐,立即有一架照相机拿到厅中来。

The liquid setting, electrically lit, unfolded with perfect clarity through the wide-open panels.  从敞开的嵌板望去,海水周围受电光照耀,显得非常清楚。
No shadows, no blurs1, thanks to our artificial light.  我们的人工光线没有任何阴暗、任何晕淡不匀的地方。
Not even sunshine could have been better for our purposes.  对于这种性质的照相,就是太阳光恐怕也没有这种光线便利;
With the thrust of its propeller2 curbed3 by the slant4 of its fins5, the Nautilus stood still.  诺第留斯号在它的推进机的力量下,受它纵斜机板斜度的管制,停住不动。
The camera was aimed at the scenery on the ocean floor, and in a few seconds we had a perfect negative. 照相机于是对准海洋底下的风景拍摄,没有几秒钟,我们就得到了极端清楚的底版。
I attach a print of the positive.  我现在拿出来的是正面的阳版底片。
In it you can view these primordial6 rocks that have never seen the light of day, this nether7 granite8 that forms the powerful foundation of our globe, the deep caves cut into the stony9 mass, the outlines of incomparable distinctness whose far edges stand out in black as if from the brush of certain Flemish painters.  人们在照片上看到那些从来没有受过天上照来的光线的原始基本岩石,那些形成地球的坚强基础的底层花岗石,那些在大石堆中空出来的深幽岩洞,那些清楚得无可比拟的侧影,它们的轮廓作黑色的线条,像某些佛兰蒙画家的画笔所绘出来的一样。
In the distance is a mountainous horizon, a wondrously10 undulating line that makes up the background of this landscape.  在更远一点的地方,是横在边际的山脉,有一道波纹弯曲的美丽线条,作为这幅风景的底层远景。
The general effect of these smooth rocks is indescribable: black, polished, without moss11 or other blemish12, carved into strange shapes, sitting firmly on a carpet of sand that sparkled beneath our streams of electric light. 我不可能描写这一群平滑、黝黑、光泽、没有薛苔、没有斑点的岩石,它削成离奇古怪的形状,并且牢固地矗立在细沙形成的地毯上,沙受曳光的照耀,闪闪发亮。
Meanwhile, his photographic operations over, Captain Nemo told me: 可是,尼摩船长照完了相,对我说:
Let's go back up, professor. We mustn't push our luck and expose the Nautilus too long to these pressures. 教授,我们上去吧。不要过久地停留在这个地方,也不要让诺第留斯号过久地顶住这样的压力。
Let's go back up! I replied. 我们上去。我回答。
Hold on tight. 您好好地站稳。
Before I had time to realize why the captain made this recommendation, I was hurled13 to the carpet. 我还没有时间来理解尼摩船长为什么要这样劝告我,我就被摔在地毯上了。
Its fins set vertically15, its propeller thrown in gear at the captain's signal, the Nautilus rose with lightning speed, shooting upward like an air balloon into the sky.  船上的推进器,由于船长发的信号,跟发动机连结起来,它的纵斜机板垂直地竖立起来,诺第留斯号就像气球飞在空中一样,闪电般的迅速上升。
Vibrating resonantly16, it knifed through the watery17 mass.  它分开海水,发出响亮的颤声。
Not a single detail was visible.  所有详细情景都不可能看见。
In four minutes it had cleared the four vertical14 leagues separating it from the surface of the ocean, and after emerging like a flying fish, it fell back into the sea, making the waves leap to prodigious18 heights. 四分钟的时间,它就越过了分开它和洋面的四里的距离,同时又跟飞鱼一样,跳出水面,它把海水拍打得飞溅到惊人的高度,随后又落到水面上来。



1 blurs a34d09b14ec1342559a973be734ad996     
n.模糊( blur的名词复数 );模糊之物;(移动的)模糊形状;模糊的记忆v.(使)变模糊( blur的第三人称单数 );(使)难以区分
  • The electron clouds are clearly visible as blurs surrounding the invisible nuclei. 电子云就象环绕着看不见的核的一片云雾。 来自辞典例句
  • The letter had many blots and blurs. 信上有许多墨水渍和污迹。 来自辞典例句
2 propeller tRVxe     
  • The propeller started to spin around.螺旋桨开始飞快地旋转起来。
  • A rope jammed the boat's propeller.一根绳子卡住了船的螺旋桨。
3 curbed a923d4d9800d8ccbc8b2319f1a1fdc2b     
v.限制,克制,抑制( curb的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Advertising aimed at children should be curbed. 针对儿童的广告应受到限制。 来自辞典例句
  • Inflation needs to be curbed in Russia. 俄罗斯需要抑制通货膨胀。 来自辞典例句
4 slant TEYzF     
  • The lines are drawn on a slant.这些线条被画成斜线。
  • The editorial had an antiunion slant.这篇社论有一种反工会的倾向。
5 fins 6a19adaf8b48d5db4b49aef2b7e46ade     
  • The level of TNF-α positively correlated with BMI,FPG,HbA1C,TG,FINS and IRI,but not with SBP and DBP. TNF-α水平与BMI、FPG、HbA1C、TG、FINS和IRI呈显著正相关,与SBP、DBP无相关。 来自互联网
  • Fins are a feature specific to fish. 鱼鳍是鱼类特有的特征。 来自辞典例句
6 primordial 11PzK     
  • It is the primordial force that propels us forward.它是推动我们前进的原始动力。
  • The Neanderthal Man is one of our primordial ancestors.的尼安德特人是我们的原始祖先之一.
7 nether P1pyY     
  • This terracotta army well represents his ambition yet to be realized in the nether-world.这一批兵马俑很可能代表他死后也要去实现的雄心。
  • He was escorted back to the nether regions of Main Street.他被护送回中央大道南面的地方。
8 granite Kyqyu     
  • They squared a block of granite.他们把一块花岗岩加工成四方形。
  • The granite overlies the older rocks.花岗岩躺在磨损的岩石上面。
9 stony qu1wX     
  • The ground is too dry and stony.这块地太干,而且布满了石头。
  • He listened to her story with a stony expression.他带着冷漠的表情听她讲经历。
10 wondrously 872e321e19f87f0c81ab2b66f27747d0     
  • She grow wondrously fond of stealing off to corners by herself. 她变得出奇地喜欢独自躲在角落里。 来自辞典例句
  • If you but smile, spring zephyrs blow through my spirits, wondrously. 假使你只是仅仅对我微笑,春天的和风就会惊奇的吹过我的心灵间。 来自互联网
11 moss X6QzA     
  • Moss grows on a rock.苔藓生在石头上。
  • He was found asleep on a pillow of leaves and moss.有人看见他枕着树叶和苔藓睡着了。
12 blemish Qtuz5     
  • The slightest blemish can reduce market value.只要有一点最小的损害都会降低市场价值。
  • He wasn't about to blemish that pristine record.他本不想去玷污那清白的过去。
13 hurled 16e3a6ba35b6465e1376a4335ae25cd2     
v.猛投,用力掷( hurl的过去式和过去分词 );大声叫骂
  • He hurled a brick through the window. 他往窗户里扔了块砖。
  • The strong wind hurled down bits of the roof. 大风把屋顶的瓦片刮了下来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 vertical ZiywU     
  • The northern side of the mountain is almost vertical.这座山的北坡几乎是垂直的。
  • Vertical air motions are not measured by this system.垂直气流的运动不用这种系统来测量。
15 vertically SfmzYG     
  • Line the pages for the graph both horizontally and vertically.在这几页上同时画上横线和竖线,以便制作图表。
  • The human brain is divided vertically down the middle into two hemispheres.人脑从中央垂直地分为两半球。
16 resonantly 846d59bbf7a42ce4e261298124326a59     
  • Richly scanted dark berry and plum aroma with complex fruitcake, richness and resonantly depth. 浓郁的黑浆果和李子的香味混合糕饼的香味。 来自互联网
  • The cow carries on the back boy's piccolo, this time also day long in resonantly sound. 牛背上牧童的短笛,这时候也成天在嘹亮地响。 来自互联网
17 watery bU5zW     
  • In his watery eyes there is an expression of distrust.他那含泪的眼睛流露出惊惶失措的神情。
  • Her eyes became watery because of the smoke.因为烟熏,她的双眼变得泪汪汪的。
18 prodigious C1ZzO     
  • This business generates cash in prodigious amounts.这种业务收益丰厚。
  • He impressed all who met him with his prodigious memory.他惊人的记忆力让所有见过他的人都印象深刻。

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