英语听书《海底两万里》第433期 第26章 大头鲸和长须鲸(14)
时间:2018-07-04 06:28:55
So the Nautilus had to halt in its venturesome course among these tracts1 of ice. 所以,诺第留斯号就在冰场中间停止了它的冒险行动。
Sir, Ned Land told me that day, if your captain goes any farther.Yes? 先生,那一天尼德·兰对我说,如果您的船长能再走远一点!那么?
He'll be a superman. 那么,他便是杰出的人。
How so, Ned? 尼德,为什么呢?
Because nobody can clear the Ice Bank. 因为没有人能走过冰山。
Your captain's a powerful man, but damnation, he isn't more powerful than nature. 您的船长有力量,可是,好啊!他不能比大自然更有力量。大自然划下界限的地方。
If she draws a boundary line, there you stop, like it or not! 不管愿意不愿意,他总得停住。
Correct, Ned Land, but I still want to know what's behind this Ice Bank!
Behold2 my greatest source of irritation-a wall! 对的,尼德,不过我很想知道冰山后面是什么呢!面前一道围墙,最使我难受!
Master is right, Conseil said. Walls were invented simply to
frustrate3 scientists. 先生说得对,康塞尔说,围墙发明出来,只是为激怒学者们的。
All walls should be banned. 无论什么地方都不应该有围墙。
Fine! the Canadian put in. But we already know what's behind this Ice Bank. 对!加拿大人说,在这座冰山后面,人们早已知道有些什么东西了。
What? I asked. 是什么呢?我问。
Ice, ice, and more ice. 是冰,永远是冰!
You may be sure of that, Ned, I answered, but I'm not. 尼德,这点您说得很肯定,我回答,但是,我可不敢肯定。
That's why I want to see for myself. 所以我要去看看。
Well, professor, the Canadian replied, you can just drop that idea! 那么,教授,加拿大人回答,您要放弃这个思想。
You've made it to the Ice Bank, which is already far enough, but you won't get any farther, neither your Captain Nemo or his Nautilus. 您到了冰山,那已经够了,您不能再前进,您的尼摩般长和他的诺第留斯号也不能再前进,
And whether he wants to or not, we'll head north again, in other words, to the land of sensible people. 不管他愿意不愿意,我们是要回过来往北走了,就是说,回到老实人居住的国土。
I had to agree that Ned Land was right, and until ships are built to
navigate4 over tracts of ice, they'll have to stop at the Ice Bank. 我必须承认尼德,兰说的话对,当船还不是造来在冰场中行驶的时候,当然在冰山面前就得停住了。