英语听书《海底两万里》第437期 第26章 大头鲸和长须鲸(18)
时间:2018-07-04 06:31:51
Our sole difficulty, Captain Nemo went on, lies in our staying submerged for several days without renewing our air supply. 唯一的用难是潜入水底好几天,尼摩船长立即又说。不能调换我们船上储藏的空气。
That's all? I answered. 就是这个吗?我回答,
The Nautilus has huge air tanks; we'll fill them up and they'll supply all the oxygen we need. 诺第留斯号有广大的储藏库,我们把储藏库全装满,我们有我们需要的氧气。
Good thinking, Professor Aronnax, the captain replied with a smile. 想得不错,阿龙纳斯先生。船长微笑着回答。
But since I don't want to be accused of foolhardiness, I'm giving you all my objections in advance. 我不愿意您责备我过于大胆,我现在先提出我所有的反对意见来。请您考虑一下。
You have more? 您还有反对意见吗?
Just one. If a sea exists at the South Pole, it's possible this sea may be completely frozen over, so we couldn't come up to the surface! 只有一个。很可能,如果南极是海,这海或者完全冰冻了,那么,我们就不可能浮出水面上来了。
My dear sir, have you forgotten that the Nautilus is armed with a fearsome spur? Couldn't it be launched diagonally against those
tracts1 of ice, which would break open from the impact? 对,先生,不过您忘记了诺第留斯号装有厉害的冲角,我们不是可以沿对角线的方向向冰田直冲上去冰田遭到冲击就要迸裂了吗?
Ah, professor, you're full of ideas today! 啊!教授,您今天真有不少的主意呢!
Besides, captain, I added with still greater enthusiasm, why wouldn't we find open sea at the South Pole just as at the North Pole? 并且,船长,我愈来愈兴奋地接着说,在南极;人们为什么不能跟在北极一样,碰见自由通行的海呢?
The cold-temperature poles and the
geographical2 poles don't coincide in either the northern or southern hemispheres, and until proof to the contrary, we can assume these two spots on the earth feature either a continent or an ice-free ocean. 冰冷的两极和陆地的两极,无论在南半球和北半球内,都不能混同起来,在还没有反面的证据之前,我们可以假定在这两个地、的极端或者有陆地,或者有跟冰层分开的海洋。
I think as you do, Professor Aronnax, Captain Nemo replied. 我也这样想,阿龙纳斯先生,尼摩船长回答,
I'll only point out that after raising so many objections against my plan, you're now crushing me under arguments in its favor. 不过:我单单要您注意这点,就是您提出了许多反对我计划的意见后,您现在又把许多赞成的理由来顶住我了尼摩船长说的是真的。