英语听书《海底两万里》第438期 第26章 大头鲸和长须鲸(19)
时间:2018-07-04 06:32:24
Captain Nemo was right. I was outdoing him in daring! It was I who was sweeping1 him to the pole. 船长是对的,我甚至要大胆他说服他了!是我把他拉到南极去了!
I was leading the way, I was out in front...but no, you silly fool! Captain Nemo already knew the
pros2 and
cons3 of this question, and it amused him to see you flying off into impossible fantasies! 我走在他前面了,我比他走得更远了…完全不是:可怜的傻瓜。尼摩船长对这个问题的反对和赞成的意见比你更知道得多呢,他不过让你在这些不可能的梦想中高兴发疯,看来好玩罢了。
Nevertheless, he didn't waste an instant. 可是,他一点时间也不白丢。
At his signal, the chief officer appeared. 他发出信号,船副上来了。
The two men held a quick exchange in their incomprehensible language, and either the chief officer had been alerted
previously4 or he found the plan feasible, because he showed no surprise. 两人用那不可懂的语言,迅速地谈了一下,或者船副预先就得到了通知,或者他看到这计划可以实行,他一点也不使人看出有惊异的表示。
But as unemotional as he was, he couldn't have been more impeccably emotionless than Conseil when I told the fine lad our intention of pushing on to the South Pole. 即使如此,他的冷谈也比不上康塞尔。当我告诉这个老实人,我们一直要走到南极的企图的时候,他所表示出的那种神情真可以说是冷淡极了。
He greeted my announcement with the usual As master wishes, and I had to be content with that. 他听了我的话,就只拿一句随您先生的便来回答我,我也只好满足了。
As for Ned Land, no human shoulders ever executed a higher
shrug5 than the pair belonging to our Canadian. 至于尼德·兰,如果问谁的两肩耸得最高,那就是加拿大人的两肩了。
Honestly, sir, he told me. You and your Captain Nemo, I pity you both! 他对我说: 您瞧,先生,您和您的尼摩船长真使我觉得十分可怜!
But we will go to the pole, Mr. Land. 尼德师傅,我们是要到南极呢。
Maybe, but you won't come back! 可以去的,但你们不能回来了!
And Ned Land reentered his cabin, to keep from doing something desperate, he said as he left me. 他回他的舱房去。为的是不要弄出人命。他离开我的时候这样说。
Meanwhile preparations for this daring attempt were getting under way. 但是,这个大胆企图的准备工作开始执行了。
The Nautilus's powerful pumps forced air down into the tanks and stored it under high pressure. 诺第留斯号的强大抽气机把空气吸人储藏库,用高压力装到库里面去。
Near four o'clock Captain Nemo informed me that the platform hatches were about to be closed. 四点左右,尼摩船长告诉我,平台上的嵌板要关起来了。
I took a last look at the
dense6 Ice Bank we were going to conquer. 我两眼最后看一下我们就要穿过去的深厚冰山白天色晴朗,
The weather was fair, the skies reasonably clear, the cold quite brisk, namely -12 degrees centigrade; but after the wind had
lulled7, this temperature didn't seem too
unbearable8. 大气鲜洁,很冷,温度零下十二度,但风停下来了,这种温度并不使人觉得很难受。