英语听书《海底两万里》第499期 第31章 章鱼(7)
时间:2018-07-05 02:02:10
Yet, Conseil asked me, "doesn't master believe in gigantic devilfish?" “那么,”康塞尔问我,“先生也不相信有大型章鱼吗?”
"Yikes! Who in Hades ever believed in them?" the Canadian exclaimed. “哎!鬼才相信呢!”加拿大人喊道。
Many people, Ned my friend, I said."No fishermen. Scientists maybe!" “有很多人相信呢,尼德朋友。” “渔人就不会相信。学者就可能会相信!”
"Pardon me, Ned. Fishermen and scientists!" “不好意思,尼德。一些学者和一些渔人都相信。”
"Why, I to whom you speak," Conseil said with the world's straightest face, “但我跟您说,”康塞尔神情无比严肃地说,
"I recall
perfectly1 seeing a large boat dragged under the waves by the arms of a cephalopod." “我清楚地记得,我曾经见过一艘大船被一只头足类动物的爪子拖到水里去。”
"You saw that?" the Canadian asked. Yes, Ned. “您看过吗?”加拿大人问。“是的,尼德。”
"With your own two eyes?" “您亲眼看到的?”
With my own two eyes. “亲眼看到的。”
"Where, may I ask? “那请问,在哪里看到?”
In Saint-Malo, Conseil returned unflappably. “在圣—马洛港,”康塞尔冷静地回答说。
"No, in a church," Conseil replied." “不,在一座教堂里。”康塞尔回答说。
In a church!" the Canadian exclaimed." “在一座教堂里!”加拿大人喊道。
Yes, Ned my friend. It had a picture that
portrayed3 the devilfish in question." “是的,尼德朋友。是一幅描绘章鱼的图画。”
"Oh good!" Ned Land exclaimed with a burst of laughter. “好啊!”尼德·兰说着,放声大笑,
"Mr. Conseil put one over on me!" “康塞尔先生在跟我开玩笑呢!”
"Actually he's right," I said. “事实上,他是对的,”我说,
"I've heard about that picture. “我听说过这幅图画;
But the subject it
portrays4 is taken from a legend, and you know how to rate legends in matters of natural history! 虽然它取裁于一个传说,但您知道应该怎样看待与博物史有关的传说!
Besides, when it's an issue of monsters, the human imagination always tends to run wild. 再说,一说到这种怪物,人们就会突发奇想。