英语听书《海底两万里》第511期 第32章 海湾暖流(2)
时间:2018-07-05 02:25:14
This was just one more of those insoluble problems that kept welling up in my mind! 这仍是那些不断出现在我的脑海里的悬而未解的问题之一。
Captain Nemo reentered his stateroom, and I saw no more of him for a good while. 尼摩船长走进了房间,后来一段时间我再也见不到他了。
But how sad, despairing, and
irresolute1 he must have felt, to judge from this ship whose soul he was, which reflected his every mood! 但我能从这艘代表他的灵魂、接受他所有的感受的船判断出,他应该是很伤心、失望、徘徊!
The Nautilus no longer kept to a
fixed2 heading. “鹦鹉螺号”船只不再保持明确的方向,
It drifted back and
forth3, riding with the waves like a
corpse4. 它来回徘徊,就像一具尸体一样随波漂流。
propeller5 had been disentangled but was barely put to use. 推进器上的章鱼爪被解开了,但推进器几乎不能用了。
It couldn't tear itself away from the setting of this last struggle, from this sea that had
devoured8 one of its own! 它不能从这最后一场战斗的场所——从这片吞没了它的一名成员的海中——自拔出来。
Ten days went by in this way. 就这样过去了10天。
It was only on May 1 that the Nautilus openly resumed its northbound course, after raising the Bahamas at the mouth of Old Bahama Channel. 到了5月1日,在巴哈马运河出海口望到了留卡斯群岛后,“鹦鹉螺号”才果断取道向北。
We then went with the current of the sea's greatest river, which has its own banks, fish, and temperature. 我们于是顺着海洋中最大的暖水流,向前行驶,这一海区有自己特有的海岸、鱼类和温度。
I mean the
Gulf9 Stream. 我把它称为海湾暖流。
It is indeed a river that runs independently through the middle of the Atlantic, its waters never mixing with the ocean's waters. 那实际上是一条在大西洋中自由奔流、不跟海水掺混的大河。
It's a salty river, saltier than the sea surrounding it. 海湾暖流,还是一条咸水河,它的河水比四周的海水咸,
Its average depth is 3,000 feet, its average width sixty miles. 它的平均深度是3000英尺,平均宽度是60海里。
In certain localities its current moves at a speed of four kilometers per hour. 在某些地方,暖流的流速是每小时4公里。
The unchanging volume of its waters is greater than that of all the world's rivers combined. 它的水流量比世界上任何一条河流都稳定。