英语听书《海底两万里》第522期 第32章 海湾暖流(13)
时间:2018-07-05 02:47:06
I withdrew. From that day forward our position was very strained. 我只好退出来。从那天起,我们的处境就变得非常紧张。
I reported this conversation to my two companions. 我向我的两个同伴汇报了我的谈话。
Now we know, Ned said, "that we can't expect a thing from this man. “我们现在知道,”尼德说,“对于这个人没有任何可指望了。
The Nautilus is nearing Long Island. ‘鹦鹉螺号’正在向长岛靠近。
We'll escape, no matter what the weather." 不论天气如何,我们逃走吧。”
But the skies became more and more threatening. There were
conspicuous1 signs of a hurricane on the way. 但天气变得越来越糟,出现了一些大风暴的迹象。
The atmosphere was turning white and
milky2. 大气灰沉沉的。
Slender sheaves of cirrus clouds were followed on the horizon by layers of nimbocumulus. Other low clouds fled swiftly. 天际边一层层散开的卷云的后面,紧随团团乌云,还有一些低云飞快地掠过。
Every bird had disappeared except a few petrels, friends of the storms. 除了暴风雨的朋友海燕外,其他的鸟儿都不见了。
barometer5 fell significantly, indicating a tremendous tension in the surrounding
haze6. 晴雨表明显下降,说明空气中湿度极高。
The mixture in our stormglass
decomposed7 under the influence of the electricity charging the air. A struggle of the elements was approaching. 在大气中饱含的电离子的作用下,雷鸣电闪:暴风雨就要来了。
The storm burst during the daytime of May 13, just as the Nautilus was cruising
abreast8 of Long Island, a few miles from the narrows to Upper New York Bay. 5月13日,确切地说,当“鹦鹉螺号”船只浮在与长岛同一纬度上,距纽约水道几海里时,暴风雨发作了。
I'm able to describe this struggle of the elements because Captain Nemo didn't flee into the ocean depths; instead, from some
inexplicable9 whim, 我之所以能描绘下这场暴风雨,是因为尼摩船长由于不可解释的任性,不是让船潜入海底避雨,
decided10 to brave it out on the surface. 而是正面与暴风雨对抗。
The wind was blowing from the southwest,
initially11 a stiff breeze, in other words, with a speed of fifteen meters per second, 当时风从西南面刮来,先是阵阵每秒15米风速的凉爽大风,
which built to twenty-five meters near three o'clock in the afternoon. 到晚上三点钟,刮到了每秒25米。
This is the figure for major storms. 这是台风的速度。