英语听书《海底两万里》第532期 第33章 北纬47.24度, 西经17.28度(7)
时间:2018-07-05 06:48:06
The first cable was put down during the years 1857-1858; but after transmitting about 400 telegrams, it went dead. 第一条电缆是在1857年和1858年铺设的。但传送了大约400次电报后,它就失灵了。
In 1863 engineers built a new cable that measured 3,400 kilometers, weighed 4,500 metric tons, and was shipped aboard the Great Eastern. 在1863年,工程师们又制造了一条长3400公里、重4500吨的新电缆,由“大东方号”船只装船。
This attempt also failed. 但这次试验还是失败了。
Now then, on May 25 while submerged to a depth of 3,836 meters, 而5月25日,“鹦鹉螺号”船只潜入了3836米的深海底,
It happened 638 miles from the coast of Ireland. 这里距爱尔兰海岸有638海里。
At around two o'clock in the afternoon, all contact with Europe broke off. 那时有人发现,下午2点钟时,和欧洲的电讯联系刚刚中断。
The electricians on board
decided4 to cut the cable before fishing it up, 于是船上的电工决定把电缆打捞出来之前,先把它切断。
and by eleven o'clock that evening they had
retrieved5 the damaged part. 晚上11点,他们就把损坏的部分拉了上来。
They repaired the
joint6 and its
splice7; then the cable was resubmerged. 人们又重新做了一个联轴和接口,然后再把电缆沉入海中。
But a few days later it snapped again and couldn't be recovered from the ocean depths. 但几天后,它又断了,而且再也不能从深海中打捞上来。
These Americans refused to give up. 但美国人并不泄气。
The daring Cyrus Field, who had risked his whole fortune to promote this undertaking, called for a new bond issue. 勇敢的塞路斯·菲尔德,这项工程的倡导者,冒险投入自己所有的财产,发起了又一次募捐行动。
It sold out immediately. 他不久就筹足了款项。
Another cable was put down under better conditions. 这样,另一条电缆在更好的条件下制造出来了。