英语听书《海底两万里》第544期 第34章 大屠杀(5)
时间:2018-07-05 07:02:53
One part of Captain Nemo's secret life had been unveiled. 尼摩船长神秘存在的一部分被揭示了。
And now, even though his identity was still unknown, 如果他的身份还没确认,
at least the nations
allied1 against him knew they were no longer hunting some fairy-tale monster, 但至少,那些联合起来反对他的国家现在正在寻找他,他们不再是在寻找一个凭空设想出来的怪物,
but a man who had sworn an implacable hate toward them! 而是一个与他们有不共戴天之仇的人!
This whole fearsome sequence of events appeared in my mind's eye. 可怕的往事历历在目。
Instead of encountering friends on this approaching ship, we would find only pitiless enemies. 在这艘向我们接近的船上,我们碰到的不是我们的朋友,而只是一些无情的敌人。
Meanwhile shells fell around us in increasing numbers. 这时,我们周围的炮弹越来越密集。
Some, meeting the liquid surface, would ricochet and vanish into the sea at considerable distances. 炮弹落在水面上,弹跳起来落到更远的地方。
But none of them reached the Nautilus. 但没有一颗击中“鹦鹉螺号”。
By then the ironclad was no more than three miles off. 那艘装甲船离我们只有3海里了。
Despite its violent cannonade, Captain Nemo hadn't appeared on the platform. 尽管它猛烈地轰击,但尼摩船长却不走上平台。
And yet if one of those conical shells had scored a routine hit on the Nautilus's
hull2, it could have been fatal to him. 不过,要是这些锥形炮弹中的一颗正常地击中了“鹦鹉螺号”的船壳,那它可就要受致命伤了。
The Canadian then told me: Sir, we've got to do everything we can to get out of this jam! 加拿大人于是对我说:“先生,我们应该尽一切努力摆脱这种危险。
Let's signal them! Damnation! 我们发出信号吧!管他三七二十一!
Maybe they'll realize we're decent people! 他们或许会明白我们是些老实人!”
Ned Land pulled out his handkerchief to wave it in the air. 说完,尼德·兰掏出一块手帕想在空中挥动。
But he had barely unfolded it when he was felled by an iron fist, 但他刚把手帕展开,就被一只铁一般的手打翻在地,
and despite his great strength, he tumbled to the deck. 尽管,他平时力气惊人,他还是摔倒在平台上。
Scum! the captain shouted. “混帐!”船长骂道,
"Do you want to be nailed to the Nautilus's spur before it charges that ship?" “你是不是想在‘鹦鹉螺号’冲向这艘船之前,把你钉在它的冲角上。”