舌尖上的中国第1季 第101期:白切鸡(23)
时间:2018-07-20 01:08:19
White Cut Chicken is a classic of Cantonese cuisine1. 白切鸡是粤菜的另一道看家菜
The chicken is simmered at around 90c for 15 minutes. 烹鸡需要慢火 水温控制在摄氏90度
Then the entire chicken is submerged in icy water so as to ensure the tenderness of the meat. 这是为了保持鸡肉的鲜嫩 15分钟后把整只鸡放入冰水中降温
The chicken skin will be brisk and the meat will be tender and flavorful. 这样的烹调方法使得白切鸡鸡皮爽脆 鸡肉清淡鲜美,原汁原味
literally2 "freshness", is a special taste that only the Chinese can best appreciate. 鲜是只有中国人 才懂得并孜孜以求的特殊味觉体验
It is a great expression in the Chinese language. 鲜,是我们中国人的语言里面 最伟大的一种表达方法
This taste consists of two parts:One is fresh and the other is something that we don't have in English. 它具备了两种元素 fresh(新鲜)还有英文里说不了的那种
We can only put it as "delicious". 只能够用"好味"delicious来表达
Xian is about taste,and beyond taste. 鲜既在"五味"之内 又超越了"五味"
It is the most common yet the most esoteric part of Chinese cuisine. 成为中国饮食最平常 但又最玄妙的一种境界
We love cooking.It makes life wonderful. 热爱煎炒焖炖我们在行 精彩生活怎会少了你
To enjoy
authentic5 and healthy cooking, and to live a simple and unadorned life is the theme of Zhuang's program,and also the reflection of his life. 杨斌庄臣《美食杨庄》保持原汁原味的健康烹饪回归质朴本真的平淡生活这种理念经常重复在
The diverse culinary flavors of the Chinese kitchen not only please the palate,but also allow the Chinese to express their diverse feelings towards the ups and downs of life and all experience. 庄臣的节目和美食专栏中更是他对多年来对美食对人生的总结庄臣的节目和美食专栏中五味使中国菜的味道千变万化 也让中国人在品味 他们各自的人生况味时
They prefer the orchestra of tastes to the solo of any of them. 找到一种特殊的表达语境 在中国人的厨房里
equilibrium6 of tastes is what the Chinese chefs pursue. 某种单一味道很难独自呈现 五味最佳的存在方式,是调和以及平衡
Moreover, such cooking philosophy has extended to other realms of the Chinese life and even their notion of running the country. 这不仅是中国历代厨师不断寻求的完美状态