ESL杰夫的一天 第84期:开车回家和跑腿讲解(10)
时间:2018-07-26 01:02:48
Well, the bagger puts my food into my cart1, and I "push my cart to my car." 好了,装袋工把我的食品放进了手推车里,我把“手推车推到了我车子旁边”。
My cart, "cart," sometimes called a shopping cart, 手推车(cart),有时又称为购物车,
is what you use to move or to take your food to your car — what you put your food into when you are shopping. 是你用来搬运或运载你的食物到你车子旁边的工具——购物时你用来放东西的车子。
It's a little like a big box — metal box with wheels on it. 它像一个大箱子——带有轮子的金属箱子。
So, it helps you move things, you don't have to carry them yourself. 因此,它帮你搬运东西,你就不必自己拿着它们。
"I open the trunk and load everything up." “我打开后备箱并把所有东西都装了进去”。
To load up
means2 to put things into, in this case, your car. “Load up”在这里的意思是“把东西放进你的车里”。
So, if someone says, "I'm going to load up my car," "load" up, they mean they're going to put the things that they need to put into their car. 因此,如果有人说,“I'm going to load up my car”,他们是指“他们要把所需的东西放进他们的车里”。
We often use that
verb3 when we are talking about moving something in your car, or going on a trip. 当我们谈论要把某物搬进车里或要去旅游的时候,就经常使用那个动词。
"Just then my wife calls me on my
cell4 phone. “就在这时,我妻子给我打了个电话。
She was going to be a little late" this evening. 今晚她要晚一点回家”。
She says she is not going to get home at her normal time, and so she "asks me to make something for dinner." 她说她不会在平时的那个点到家,因此她“叫我自己做晚餐吃”。
This is not a good idea since I am not a good cook, but I, of course, say yes. 这可不是个好主意,因为我厨艺不精,但我当然会说可以。
"Tonight, I will be the cook" — the person making the food. “今晚,我要亲自下厨”——烹调食物的人。