美国学生世界地理教材 第28期:玛丽的领地弗吉尼亚的领土和佩恩的森林(2)
时间:2018-07-27 06:33:07
Near the Mother of Waters are two cities.One is named Annapolis. 在河之母附近有两座城市。一个叫安纳波利斯,
The other is named Baltimore. 另一个叫巴尔的摩。
Annapolis means Anna's City, and it too was named after a queen. 安纳波利斯的意思是安娜之城,也是以一位女王的名字命名的。
That makes three places-Anna's City, Mary's Land, and Virginia's State-named after queens. 这样一共就有三个地方是以女王的名字命名的一一安娜之城、玛丽的领地和弗吉尼亚的领土。
Annapolis is the city of the State of Maryland, just as Washington is the capital of all the States. 安纳波利斯是马 里兰州的首府,就像华盛顿是美国的首都一样。
At Annapolis the United States has a school for teaching boys to be sailors and fit to fight the sea battles of the United States if the country should ever have any. 安纳波利斯有一美国专门培养水兵的学校,万一美国发生战争,他们可以成为在海上作战的士兵。
This school is called the
Naval1 Academy. 这所学校叫做海军军官学校。
Some of the best boys chosen from each State in the United States go to Annapolis. 只有每个州挑选出来的最优秀的男孩子才会到安纳波利斯去学习。
They study all about boats and fighting and about geography; they visit other countries and learn to command ships. 他们学习与舰船、作战以及和地理相关的知识;他们出访其他国家,学习指挥舰船的本领。
Baltimore is the largest city in Maryland. 巴尔的摩是马里兰州最大的城市,
It was named after an English lord. 它是以一位英国勋爵的名字命名的。
The first railroad in our country started in Baltimore,and as it ran from Baltimore to the State of Ohio, it was called the Baltimore & Ohio, or the B.& O.for short. 美国的第一条铁路就开始于巴尔的摩,因为是从巴尔的摩通往俄亥俄州,所以这条铁路也叫做巴尔的摩一俄亥俄铁路,或者简称为巴俄线。
Baltimore is famous for the Johns Hopkins University and Hospital. 巴尔的摩因有约翰霍普金斯大学和约翰霍普金斯医院而闻名。
Boys come from all over the World to study at the Hopkins, and people come from all over the World to be treated at the Hopkins Hospital. 世界各地的许多孩子到霍普金斯大学学习,世界各地也有很多人到霍普金斯医院来看病。
A man named Penn once owned the State just north of Maryland.It was then all woods, so it was called Pennsylvania, which means Penn's Woods. 一位名叫佩恩的男子曾经拥有马里兰州北面的那个州。当时那里森林密布,于是被叫做宾夕法尼亚,意思是佩恩的森林。
But ages before Penn's Woods other woods were there-huge forests of trees and giant plants growing high and thick and fast. 早在佩恩的森林存在之前很多年代,那里就长着大片的森林——高大浓密,各种树木和植物生长迅速。
More ages passed and these forests died and became buried and
mashed2 down under the ground and turned into black rock. 很多年代之后,这些森林死去,深埋地下,被压成碎块,渐渐变成了黒色的岩石。
More ages passed and men dug up this black rock, and by accident they found that unlike other rock this rock would burn. 又过去许多年代,人们挖出了这些黒色的岩石,偶然间发现这些岩石和其他岩石不同之处是可以燃烧。
Of course it would burn, because, as we know now, it was really only hardened wood—which we call coal. 这种岩石当然可以燃烧,因为我们现在都知道,其实那只是硬化的木头—我们叫它煤。