美国学生世界地理教材 第127期:战争和童话故事(2)
时间:2018-07-30 09:05:29
Most of these castles are now in ruins, because it is too hard to get to them and to keep them in repair, 现在,这些城堡大部分已经成为废墟,因为很难再到城堡对它们进行维修,
and no longer can any one treat the poor people the way the
barons1 did. 此外,也不再有人能像那些强盗贵族那样虐待穷人了。
Cologne is a kind of strong
perfume2. 科隆香水是一种气味浓烈的香水。
It is named for a city on the Rhine called Cologne. 它是以莱茵河畔的一座叫科隆的城市来命名的。
Cologne means
colony3, for it was once a colony of Rome. “科隆”的意思是“殖民地”,因为它曾是古罗马的殖民地。
The house in which I live took seven months to build, but there is a Cathedral in Cologne that took seven hundred years to build! 我居住的房子花了七个月的时间修建好,但是在科隆,有一个大教堂却花了七百年的时间才完工
—the longest time of any building in the World. ——是世界上建造时间最长的建筑物。
Cologne is a city famous for its Cathedral but the most famous German city is Berlin. 科隆是以大教堂而闻名的城市,而德国最著名的城市是柏林。
Before World War II Berlin was one of the finest and cleanest cities in the world. 第二次世界大战之前,柏林是世界上最美丽、最干净的城市之一。
It had broad tree-lined avenues, great handsome stone buildings, parks and statues. 有宽阔的、绿树成荫的街道,漂亮的石头房屋、公园,还有雕像。
It was also the capital of Germany. 柏林也是德国的首都。
But by the time World War II was over, much of Berlin was a
wreck4. 但是到第二次世界大战结束的时候,柏林的大部分地方都被毁了。
Many of its finest buildings were in ruins, destroyed by bombs dropped from airplanes during the war. 多数最漂亮的建筑物被战时飞机投下的炸弹炸毁了,成了一片废墟。
Berlin is in Eastern Germany, the part of Germany ruled by the Russians after the War, 柏林位于德国东部,而德国的这部分战后由俄罗斯统治。
but the United States, Great Britain, and France as well as Russia govern Berlin. 但是,美国、英国,还有法国和俄罗斯一起掌管柏林。
The Russians had fought on our side during World War II, but after the War was over they became very unfriendly to the United States and Great Britain. “二战”期间,俄罗斯是站在美国一方的,可战争结束后,俄罗斯对美国和英国非常不友好。
They even said that the countries ruling Western Germany could not use the
railroad5 or
auto6 roads to Berlin. 他们甚至说,统治德国西部的国家不可以使用通往柏林的铁路和公路。
The people of Berlin had to be fed, so the United States and Great Britain flew tons and tons of food 但是柏林人极需要生活援助,于是,美国和英国不得不每天用飞机将成吨成吨的食物
and coal into the city by airplanes day after day for a year and a half. 和煤空运到柏林,这种情况维持了一年半的时间。
Finally the Russians realized they could not keep out the Americans and British and opened the railroad again. 最后俄罗斯意识到很难将美国人和英国人挡在柏林城外,就重新开放了通往柏林的铁路。
This carrying of supplies to Berlin was called the Berlin Airlift because the supplies were lifted through the air from Western Germany to Berlin. 这种提供生活物资的方式被称作“柏林空运”,因为物资是通过飞机从德国西部运到柏林的。
Sticking up off the map of Germany like a thumb is a little country called Denmark. 伸出德国地图像拇指一样的小国家是丹麦。
On one side of it is the North Sea; on the other side is another sea called the Baltic. 在丹麦的一边是北海,另一边是波罗的海。
Germany fronts on the North Sea and on the Baltic Sea too, but this little thumb of land does not belong to Germany. 德国也面向北海和波罗的海,但拇指般小的这块地并不属于德国。
The Germans had to go all around this country in order to get from the cities on the North Sea to the cities on the Baltic Sea, 德国人从北海岸边的城市到波罗的海的海滨城市去,不得不绕过丹麦这个国家,
so they cut off the thumb by digging a canal across the bottom of it.It is called the Kiel Canal. 为此他们就将大拇指切断,在它的底部挖了一条运河。人们称之为基尔运河。