美国学生世界地理教材 第142期:熊的故事(3)
时间:2018-07-31 01:07:15
The revolutionists took the palaces and homes of the wealthy and turned them into hospitals and public buildings. 革命者占领了富人的宫殿和房子,将它们建成医院和公共建筑,
They took the land of the rich and lent it out to farmers and workers. 他们还夺取了富人的土地,租给农民和工人。
These revolutionists were known as Communists. 这些革命者就是众所周知的共产党人。
The provinces and districts of Russia combined as the Union of
Soviet1 Socialist2 Republics, which is governed from the capital at Moscow. 俄罗斯的所有省份和地区联合起来成立了苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟,由首都莫斯科统辖。
In Moscow there is a big walled-in place with houses and palaces and churches called the Kremlin. 在莫斯科,有一处围着围墙的宽阔区域,里面有房子、宫殿和教堂,这个地方叫做克里姆林宫。
It is from the Kremlin that Russia is ruled, so the Kremlin is really the capitol, though it is not just one building like our Capitol in Washington. 事实上,俄罗斯的统治中心就是克里姆林宫,所以克里姆林宫才是真正的“国会大厦”,不过它与美国华盛顿的国会大厦只有一座建筑物不同,它有一大片建筑物。
The churches in the Kremlin are not used as churches now for after the Revolution the Communists turned them into museums and government buildings just as they did the palaces of the wealthy. 克里姆林宫里的教堂不再作为教堂使用,因为革命后共产党人将教堂改建成博物馆和政府大楼,就像他们改建富人的宫殿一样。
Near the walls of the Kremlin is a great open
paved3 space called Red Square. 在克里姆林宫附近,有一个宽阔的广场叫做“红场”。
On one side of Red Square is a flat-topped building which is the tomb of Lenin. 在红场的一侧有一座平顶建筑,是列宁的陵墓。
The Russians have the largest army i. t. w. W. and they often have parades of soldiers which pass through Red Square past the chief Russian rulers who stand on top of Lenin's tomb to see the soldiers march by. 俄罗斯有世界上最庞大的军队,经常在红场举行阅兵仪式,俄罗斯的主要统治者就站在列宁墓顶的平台上检阅军队。
The square is called Red Square because red is the color of revolution and the people who govern Russia adopted it as their color. 这个广场被称为红场,因为红色是革命的颜色,而且,俄罗斯的统治者指定红色作为自己的颜色。
Russia's flag is red and the Communists themselves are often called Reds. 苏联的国旗是红色的,共产党人也常常被称作是“赤色分子”,
The Communists are not
Christians4. They don't believe in any religion. 他们不是基督徒,也不信仰任何宗教。