美国学生世界地理教材 第146期:铁幕国家(2)
时间:2018-07-31 01:19:09
Fairy-tales and poems and music have been written about the Danube too. 也有童话故事、诗歌和音乐描写多瑙河,
One of the most famous waltzes ever written is called "The Blue Danube." 迄今为止最有名的华尔兹舞曲之一就是“蓝色的多瑙河”。
The Blue Danube runs into the Black Sea. “蓝色的”多瑙河流进“黑色的”海——黑海。
The capital of Austria is Vienna. 奥地利的首都是维也纳,
Vienna used to be famous for its restaurants and cooking. 维也纳曾经以餐馆和烹饪闻名于世。
Perhaps you have eaten Vienna rolls or been to a Vienna restaurant, even if you have never been to Austria, 即使没有去过奥地利,你也许品尝过维也纳面包卷或去过维也纳餐馆。
for we have Vienna rolls and restaurants in the United States too. 因为在美国就有维也纳面包卷,还有维也纳风味的餐馆。
The name Hungary makes you think of food, or rather lack of food, but the name doesn't mean hungry. It means Land of the Huns. “匈牙利”这个名字会让你想到食物,确切点说,想到缺乏食物,但是这个名字并不是“饥饿”的意思,它的意思是“匈奴人之乡”。
In fact, Hungary should not be hungry, for a great deal of wheat for making bread is raised there. 事实上,匈牙利应该不会缺乏食物,因为匈牙利大量种植小麦,这些小麦很适合做面包。
Have you ever eaten a kind of hash called Hungarian goulash? 你吃过一种名叫“匈牙利红烩牛肉”的碎杂烩吗?
It is very
highly1 seasoned with pepper and spices, and some restaurants in our country serve it. 它的味道很浓,因为里面放了很多胡椒和调料。美国有些餐馆就有这道菜。
In some of these restaurants
orchestras2 play Hungarian music. 一些这样的餐馆里还有管弦乐队演奏匈牙利音乐,
It is a kind of music such as the Gypsies dance to—slow and sweet, then fast and
furious3, with a
hop4, skip, and jump time. 这种音乐类似吉卜赛舞蹈的伴奏曲——随着舞步节拍的变化(有单脚小跳、双脚交替跳和双脚大跳),乐曲时而舒缓柔和,时而快速激烈。
In Hungary many of the people are, strange to say,
related5 to the Chinese way back. They are called Magyars. 说来也怪,在匈牙利,有很多人又与很久以前的中国人有亲缘关系,这些人叫做“马札尔人”。
Have you ever had your palm read or your fortune told? 你让人看过手相或算过命吗?
Gypsies are people who wander over the country doing that for a living. 吉卜赛人在匈牙利各地流浪以看手相和算命为生。
Most of the Gypsies come from a country next to Hungary and bordering on the Black Sea called Romania—nowadays frequently spelled Rumania. 大多数吉卜赛人来自匈牙利的邻国“罗马尼亚”,英文现在常拼作Rumania。罗马尼亚与黑海毗连。
It is supposed that long ago people from Rome settled in that country and called it Romania from Rome. 据说很久以前,罗马人来到这里定居,按照“罗马”把这个国家称为罗马尼亚。
The language of Romania is still something like the Roman or Italian. 现在的罗马尼亚语言还有点像罗马语或意大利语。