美国学生世界地理教材 第159期:昔日辉煌的小亚细亚(2)
时间:2018-07-31 01:58:05
The Temple built to the Goddess Diana was one of these wonders. 为女神狄安娜建造的神庙就是这七大奇观之一。
This Temple was at Ephesus in Asia
Minor1, and silversmiths made little copies of this wonderful temple to sell as souvenirs to visitors. 这座神庙在小亚细亚的以弗所。当地银匠仿照这个神庙制成小型复制品当做纪念品卖给游客。
St. Paul
preached2 against Diana, for whom the Temple was built, because she was a heathen goddess. 使徒保罗讲道公开反对狄安娜,因为她是异教徒信仰的女神。
The silversmiths at Ephesus who made a living out of their souvenirs of the Temple were afraid St. Paul would hurt their business, so they tried to
mob3 him. 以制售神庙纪念品为生的以弗所的银匠们担心保罗会影响自己的生意,于是他们就设法围着保罗起哄。
Nothing is now left of this wonderful Temple of Diana except the floor, and the silver souvenirs have all disappeared; 现在,除了光秃秃的地面,那个令人惊叹的狄安娜神庙已荡然无存,那些银制纪念品也无影无踪了;
but the letters which St. Paul wrote to men at Ephesus are still read by millions of people, for they are in the
Bible4. 而保罗在以弗所写给众人的书信仍有千千万万的人在阅读,因为这些书信都收录在《圣经》里。
The greatest tomb in the World was in Asia Minor. It was built by a woman named Mrs. Mausolus, for her husband, Mr.Mausolus. 全世界最宏伟的陵墓在小亚细亚,它是由一位名叫摩索拉斯夫人的妇女为她的丈夫摩索拉斯先生修建的。
This was another Wonder of which little is left. 摩索拉斯陵墓是另一个世界奇观,现在也无迹可寻了。
And yet nowadays we call a very handsome tomb a "Mausoleum" after this tomb of Mausolus. 然而,现在凡是较为堂皇的陵墓我们都以这个陵墓的名字来称呼。
There is a little island off Asia Minor, called Rhodes. 离小亚细亚不远有一座小岛,名叫“罗得岛”。
A huge
brass5 statue of the Sun God was built there. 那儿建有一座巨大的太阳神铜像,
It was called The Colossus of Rhodes, for Colossus means huge. It was as tall as a ten story house. 被称为“罗得岛巨像”,它有十层楼那么高,
This was a third Wonder, but an earthquake upset the statue and its pieces were sold to a junk
dealer6. 也是一大奇观。但是,一次地震使铜像倾倒了,铜像碎片后来卖给了废品旧货商。
Almost all of the old glory of Asia Minor has gone. We can see the ruins of the wonderful old buildings, 小亚细亚昔日的辉煌几乎都逝去了,我们现在能看到的只是那些古代宏伟建筑的遗迹。
but most of the houses now, except those in a few big cities, are made of mud with one door and no windows, and grass often grows in the mud on the roofs. 现在的小亚细亚地区,除了少数大城市,大多数的房屋,都是用泥土建的,只有一扇门,没有窗户,屋顶上的泥土里常常长出绿草。