美国学生历史 第147期:民主党与辉格党(7)
时间:2018-08-31 01:35:58
The success of wheat growing depended upon the ability quickly to harvest the crop. 小麦种植的成功依赖于人们迅速收割小麦的能力。
Wheat must be allowed to stand until it is
fully1 ripened2. 小麦在成熟之前不能倒伏,
Then it must be quickly reaped and stored away out of the reach of the rain and wet. 而且,在小麦成熟后要迅速收割并储藏起来,不能被雨淋湿。
For a few weeks in each year there was a great demand for
labor3 on the wheat farms. 每年有好几周的时间麦场上都需要大量的劳动力,
And there was little labor to be had. 但能够找到的劳动力很少。
Cyrus H. McCormick solved this problem for the wheat growers by inventing a horse
reaper4. 塞勒斯·H·麦考密克通过发明马拉收割机为小麦种植者解决了这个问题。
The invention was made in 1831, but it was not until 1845 that the reaper came into general use. 他于1831年发明收割机,但是直到1845年这种收割机才正式投入大规模的使用。
By 1855 the use of the horse reaper was adding every year fifty-five million dollars to the wealth of the country. 到了1855年,马拉收割机每年可以为这个国家带来5500万美元的财富,
Each year its use moved the fringe of civilization fifty miles farther west. 每年它的使用都将文明向西推进50英里。
Without harvesting
machinery5 the rapid settlement of the West would have been impossible. 如果没有收割机就不可能在西部迅速建立聚居地,
And had not the West been rapidly settled by free whites, the whole history of the country between 1845 and 1865 would have been very different from what it has been. 如果西部没有白种自由民定居,1845~1865年美国的历史将完全改写。
The influence of the horse reaper on our political history, therefore, is as important as the influence of the steam locomotive or of the cotton gin. 因此,马拉收割机与蒸汽机车或者轧棉机一样对美国政治历史产生了重要影响。