美国学生历史 第149期:反奴隶制运动的开始(2)
时间:2018-08-31 01:37:59
But nothing came of these suggestions. 但是,这些提议没有引起反响。
Soon, however, William Lloyd
Garrison1 began at Boston the publication of a paper called the
Liberator2. 然而,不久之后威廉·劳埃德·加里森在波士顿创办了一份报纸--《解放者》,
He wished for complete
abolition3 without payment. 他希望不做赔付而彻底废除奴隶制,
For a time he
labored4 almost alone. 有一段时间他几乎是孤军奋战,
Then slowly others came to his aid, and the Antislavery Society was founded. 后来有人加入他的行列,于是,就形成了"美国废奴协会"。
It must not be thought that the abolitionists were not opposed. 绝不可以认为废奴主义者没有遭到反对,
They were most vigorously opposed. 他们遇到最强烈的反对。
Very few Northern men wished to have slavery reestablished in the North. 极少数北方人在北方重建奴隶制,
But very many Northern men objected to the antislavery
agitation6 because they thought it would injure business. 但许多北方人反对煽动废奴行为,因为这将损害他们的商业,
Some persons even argued that the antislavery movement would bring about the destruction of the Union. 有的人甚至提出废奴运动将造成联邦的分裂。
In this idea there was a good deal of truth. 这个思想道出了大量真理,
For Garrison grew more and more
outspoken7. 因为加里森的言论越来越不加掩饰,
condemned8 the Union with slaveholders and wished to break down the Constitution, because it permitted slavery. 他谴责有奴隶主的联邦,并且,因为宪法允许奴隶制,他想毁掉宪法。
There were anti-abolitionist riots in New York, New
Jersey9, and New Hampshire. 在纽约、新泽西和新罕布什尔发生了反对废奴主义者的骚乱,
In Boston the rioters seized Garrison and dragged him about the streets. 在波士顿,闹事者抓住加里森,并在大街上拖着他游行。
326. Slave Rebellion in Virginia, 1831. 326.弗吉尼亚州奴隶的叛乱(1831年)
At about the time that Garrison established the Liberator at Boston, a slave rebellion broke out in Virginia. 大约在加里森于波士顿创办《解放者》的时候,弗吉尼亚发生了一次奴隶叛乱事件。
The rebels were led by a slave named Nat Turner, and the rebellion is often called "Nat Turner's Rebellion." 叛乱分子的领导者是一名叫纳特·特纳的奴隶,因此常常把这次叛乱叫做"纳特·特纳的叛乱"。
It was a small affair and was easily put down. 这是一个小事件,并且被毫不费力地镇压,
But the Southerners were alarmed, because they felt that the Northern antislavery agitation would surely lead to more rebellions. 但南方人得到了警告,因为他们感到北方的反奴隶制鼓动将导致更多的叛乱,
They called upon the government to forbid the sending of the Liberator and similar "incendiary publications" through the mails. 他们要求政府通过邮局禁止发行《解放者》和类似的"煽动性出版物"。