美国学生历史 第162期:1850年的折中法案(5)
时间:2018-08-31 01:59:40
For example, the Southerners were to permit the admission of California as a free state, and to consent to the abolition1 of the slave trade in the District of Columbia. 例如,南方人要允许加利福尼亚作为一个自由州加入联邦,并同意在哥伦比亚特区废除奴隶买卖,
In return, the Northerners were to give way to the Southerners on all other points. 作为回报,北方人将在所有其他方面向南方人让步,
They were to allow slavery in the District of Columbia. 他们将允许在哥伦比亚特区有奴隶制,
They were to consent to the organization of New Mexico and Utah as territories without any provision for or against slavery. 并同意将新墨西哥和犹他建成蓄奴州。
Texas claimed that a part of the proposed Territory of New Mexico belonged to her. 得克萨斯宣称新墨西哥的一部分应属于它
So Clay suggested that the United States should pay Texas for this land. 因此克雷提议美国为得克萨斯购买这些土地。
Finally Clay proposed that Congress should pass a severe
Fugitive2 Slave Act. 最终,克雷提议国会应该通过一个严格的《逃亡奴隶法案》。
It is easily seen that Clay's plan as a whole was distinctly favorable to the South. 显而易见,克雷的计划整体上支持南方,
Few persons favored the passage of the whole scheme. 很少有人同意通过这个方案,
But when votes were taken on each part separately, they all passed. 但是,当各地分开投票时,他们都通过了这个方案。
In the midst of the excitement over this compromise President Taylor died, and Millard Fillmore, the Vice-President, became President. 在为通过这项折中欢呼之际泰勒总统逝世,副总统米勒德o菲尔莫尔成为新的总统。
347. The Fugitive Slave Act. 347.《逃亡奴隶法案》
The Constitution provides that persons held to service in one state escaping into another state shall be delivered up upon claim of the person to whom such service may be due. 宪法规定,如果从事某个部门工作的人逃往另一个州,这个州应该根据原来支配这些人的要求移交出这些人。
Congress, in 1793, had passed an act to carry out this provision of the Constitution. 1793年国会曾经通过一项法案执行《宪法》的这一条款,
But this law had seldom been enforced, because its enforcement had been left to the states, 但是这个条款很少被强制执行,因为强制执行要由各个州来完成,
and public opinion in the North was opposed to the return of fugitive slaves. 并且北方公共舆论反对将逃亡过来的奴隶移交给南方。