美国学生历史 第174期:1860年的美国(4)
时间:2018-08-31 02:13:25
365. City Life. 365.城市生活
In the old days the large towns were just like the small towns except that they were larger. 除了面积较大,过去较大的城镇就像今天的小城镇,
Life in them was just about the same as in the smaller places. 这些城镇中的生活就如同在小地方的生活一样。
Now, however, there was a great difference. 然而,此时已经今非昔比。
In the first place the city could afford to have a great many things the smaller town could not pay for. 首先,城市可以花钱做大量的事,而这是相对较小的城市所做不到的;
In the second place it must have certain things or its people would die of disease or be killed as they walked the streets. 其次,城市中可能出现一些事,或者人死于疾病,或者在大街上行走时被人杀死,
For these reasons the streets of the Northern cities were paved and lighted and were guarded by policemen. 因此,在北方城市中人们铺设街道、安装路灯并有警察站岗。
Then, too, great
sewers1 carried away the refuse of the city, and enormous iron pipes brought fresh water to every one within its limits. 随之,当然有大型下水道带走城市的废物,大量的铁管将新鲜的水输送给居民。
Horse-cars and omnibuses carried its inhabitants from one part of the city to another, and the railroads brought them food from the surrounding country. 马车和公共汽车将居民们从城市的一处带到另一处,铁路则从周边的乡村为人们带来食品。
366. Transportation. 366.运输
Between 1849 and 1858 twenty-one thousand miles of railroad were built in the United States, 在1849-1858年间美国修建了21000英里铁路,
In 1860 there were more than thirty thousand miles of railroad in actual operation. 1860年则有36000英里铁路投入运营。
In 1850 one could not go from New York to Albany without leaving the railroad and going on board a steamboat. 在1850年,如果不离开铁路而乘坐汽船,人们无法从纽约赶到奥尔巴尼,
In 1860 one continuous line of rails ran from New York City to the Mississippi River. 而到了1860年,已经建成一条从纽约城直达密西西比河的铁路。
Traveling was still uncomfortable according to our ideas. 可以想象旅行仍然让人不舒服,
The cars were rudely made and
jolted2 horribly. One train ran only a comparatively short distance. 火车粗制滥造,颠簸得厉害,一趟火车只能跑一段相当短的距离,