美国学生历史 第183期:民众的反映(1861年)(1)
时间:2018-09-03 00:44:59
Chapter 37 The rising of the peoples,1861 第37章 民众的反映(1861年)
On March 4, 1861, President Lincoln made his first
inaugural2 address. 1861年3月4日,林肯总统发表首次就职演说,
In it he declared: "The Union is much older than the Constitution… No state upon its own motion can
lawfully3 get out of the Union… 他在演说中称:"联邦比《宪法》要古老得多……没有哪一个州可以根据自己的议案合法地从联邦退出……
In view of the Constitution and the laws the Union is unbroken… 按照《宪法》和法律联邦没有解体……
I shall take care that the laws of the Union be faithfully executed in all the states." 我将用心保证各个州都忠实地执行联邦的法律。
As to slavery, he had "no purpose … to
interfere4 with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists." "对于奴隶制,他"无意于干涉各州的奴隶制",
He even saw no objection to adopt an
amendment5 of the Constitution to prohibit the Federal government from
interfering6 with slavery in the states. 他甚至不反对修正《宪法》以禁止联邦政府干涉各州的奴隶制。
But he was resolved to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. 但是,林肯下定决心保护、捍卫美国《宪法》,并为之辩护。
381. Fall of Fort Sumter, April, 1861. 381.萨穆特要塞失陷(1861年4月)
The strength of Lincoln's resolve was soon tested. 很快就可以知道林肯的决心有多大。
When South Carolina
seceded7, Major Anderson, commanding the United States forces at Charleston, withdrew from the land forts to Fort Sumter, built on a shoal in the harbor. 当南卡罗莱纳州退出联邦时,统帅查理斯顿美国军队的梅杰o安德森从陆地堡垒撤退到萨穆特要塞,这个要塞建在港口的浅滩上,
He had with him only eighty fighting men and was sorely in need of food and
ammunition8. 他只有80名战士而且非常需要食物和弹药,
Buchanan sent a steamer, the Star of the West, to Charleston with supplies and soldiers. 布坎南派出"西部之星号"汽艇载着士兵和给养赶往查理斯顿,