美国学生历史 第186期:民众的反映(1861年)(4)
时间:2018-09-03 00:47:55
385. To the Defense1 of Washington. 385.保卫华盛顿
The national capital was really a Southern town, for most of the permanent residents were Southerners, and the offices were filled with Southern men. 国家首都其实是一个南方人的城镇,因为大部分恒久居住者都是南方人,而且官员队伍中也充斥着南方人,
In the army and navy, too, were very many Southerners. 在陆军和海军中也有非常多的南方人。
Most of them, as Robert E. Lee, felt that their duty to their state was greater than their duty to their flag. 如同罗伯特·E·李一样,他们多数感到自己对所属州的责任要重于对国家的责任,
But many Southern officers felt differently. 但是,许多南方官员则与之有相反的看法,
Among these were two men whose names should be held in grateful remembrance, Captain David G. Farragut and Colonel George H. Thomas. 其中有两个人的名字值得我们满怀崇敬地记下来:大卫·G·法罗哥特船长和乔治·H·托马斯上校。
The first soldiers to arrive in Washington were from Pennsylvania; but they came unarmed. 第一批到达华盛顿的士兵来自宾夕法尼亚,但是,他们没有武装。
Soon they were followed by the Sixth Massachusetts. 马萨诸塞第六团很快也赶到华盛顿,
In passing through Baltimore this
regiment2 was attacked. 这支部队在通过巴尔的摩时遇到攻击,
Several men were killed, others were wounded. 几名士兵丧生,并有人受伤,
This was on April 19, 1861,-the anniversary of the battles of Lexington and
Concord3. It was the first bloodshed of the war. 这一天是1861年4月19日--是莱克星顿和康考德战斗胜利纪念日,这是这场战争中的第一次流血。