美国学生历史 第193期:从布尔·朗到莫福利保罗(7)
时间:2018-09-03 00:52:50
397. Forts Henry and Donelson, February, 1862. 397.亨利要塞与丹尼尔森要塞(1862年2月)
In February, 1862, General Grant and Commodore Foote attacked two forts which the Confederates had built to keep the Federal gunboats from
penetrating1 the western part of the Confederacy. 1862年2月,格兰特将军和海军准将符提攻打了南方联盟的两个要塞,这两个要塞是为阻止联邦炮艇插入南方联盟西部地区而修建。
Fort Henry yielded almost at once, but the Union forces
besieged2 Fort Donelson for a longer time. 亨利要塞几乎立刻就投降,但是,联邦军队包围丹尼尔森要塞的时间相对长一些。
Soon the Confederate
defense3 became hopeless, and General Buckner asked for the terms of surrender. 很快南方联盟没有希望再坚守下去,巴克纳将军请求投降的要件,
Unconditional4 surrender," replied Grant, and Buckner surrendered. 格兰特将军的回答是"无条件投降",于是,巴克纳投降。
The lower Tennessee and the lower Cumberland were now open to the Union forces. 此时,田纳西和坎伯兰两河下游都在联邦军队的控制之下。
398. Importance of New Orleans. 398.新奥尔良的重要性
New Orleans and the lower Mississippi were of great importance to both sides, for the possession of this region gave the Southerners access to Texas, and through Texas to Mexico. 新奥尔良与密西西比河下游地区对双方都很重要,如果南方联盟军占据这两个地方他们就可以进入得克萨斯并进而到达墨西哥。
Union fleets were blockading every important Southern port. 联邦军队已封锁了南方所有的要塞,
But as long as commerce overland with Mexico could be maintained, the South could struggle on. 但是,只要存在与墨西哥的陆路贸易,南方人就可以坚持抵抗;
The Mississippi, too, has so many mouths that it was difficult to keep
vessels5 from running in and out. 密西西比河也有许多入海口,很难阻止军舰进出。
For these reasons the Federal government
determined6 to seize New Orleans and the lower Mississippi. 由于这些原因,联邦政府决定夺取新奥尔良和密西西比河下游。
The command of the expedition was given to Farragut, who had passed his boyhood in Louisiana. 这次出征由法罗哥特指挥,他在路易斯安那度过童年。
He was given as good a fleet as could be provided, and a force of soldiers was sent to help him. 联邦给法罗哥特配备了联邦最好的一支舰队,并派一支部队去协助他。