美国学生历史 第194期:从布尔·朗到莫福利保罗(8)
时间:2018-09-03 00:53:15
399. New Orleans captured, April, 1862. 399.夺取新奥尔良(1862年4月)
Farragut carried his fleet into the Mississippi, but found his way upstream barred by two forts on the river's bank. 法罗哥特带领舰队进入密西西比河,但在上行过程中遭到河岸上两个要塞的攻击。
A great chain stretched across the river below the forts, and a fleet of river gunboats with an ironclad or two was in waiting above the forts. 两个要塞之间有一条巨大的锁链拦在河面上,要塞上面有一个带着一两块铁甲的炮艇舰队在等候出击。
Chain, forts, and gunboats all gave way before Farragut's forceful will. 铁链、要塞和炮艇都挡不住法罗哥特无坚不摧的意志,
At night he passed the forts amid a terrific cannonade. 夜里他的舰队在猛烈的炮击中闯过要塞,
Once above them New Orleans was at his mercy. 一旦越过这些要塞,新奥尔良就听任他摆布了,
It surrendered, and with the forts was soon occupied by the Union army. 它投降了,要塞也迅速被联邦军队占领,
The lower Mississippi was lost to the Confederacy. 南方联盟失去了密西西比河下游地区。
400. Shiloh and Corinth, April, May, 1862. 400.夏伊洛与科林斯湾(1862年4月和5月)
General Halleck now directed the operations of the Union armies in the West. 此时掌管联邦西部军队的是哈勒克将军,
He ordered Grant to take his men up the Tennessee to Pittsburg Landing and there await the arrival of Buell with a strong force overland from Nashville. 他命令格兰特带领部队沿着田纳西河上行到达匹兹堡码头,在那里等待从纳什维尔经陆路赶来的布勒大军。
Grant encamped with his troops on the western bank of the Tennessee between Shiloh Church and Pittsburg Landing. 格兰特的军队在田纳西河西岸扎营,营地位于夏伊洛教堂与匹兹堡之间。
Albert Sidney Johnston, the Confederate commander in the West, attacked him suddenly and with great fury. 南方军队西部司令阿尔伯特·西德尼·约翰斯顿突然向格兰特发起猛攻,
Soon the Union army was pushed back to the river. 联邦军迅速被赶到河中。
In his place many a leader would have
withdrawn1. 处在格兰特的位子上,许多人会撤退,
But Grant, with amazing courage, held on. 但格兰特以惊人的勇气坚持不退。
In the afternoon Buell's leading
regiments2 reached the other side of the river. 布勒的先遣团到达河对岸,
In the night they were ferried across, and Grant's outlying commands were brought to the front. 他们在夜间通过摆渡过河,格兰特重整旗鼓再战,